
The Elephant in the Womb

  The Elephant in the Womb It's altogether more more inspiring than the one in the room! (Part One) The ‘covid crisis’ seems at last to be receding in the rear-view mirror. Much of the world has breathed a sigh of relief and declared itself unwilling to hear any more about the subject which tormented us for three long years. There is however, an elephant in the room. (We’ll come to the one in the womb in just a moment, for it is very much more positive and hopeful). The elephant in the room, with apologies to those who have ‘had enough’, is big and grey and unavoidable: It ain’t over.  The reasons that it ain’t over are numerous: Disturbingly, excess deaths in countries around the world remain very high - in some countries higher than they were at the height of the pandemic, 1  and nobody is quite sure why. There continue to be disturbing reports 2  about  rising levels of miscarriage and infant death, as well as falling fertility rates - and the cause of those ...