
FDA Embarrassingly Claims Ivermectin Doesn’t Work While Linking to Studies That Prove It Does

  FDA Embarrassingly Claims Ivermectin Doesn’t Work While Linking to Studies That Prove It Does Is the FDA doing science or peddling narratives? Because it looks like the agency has been caught in one of the biggest lies of the century. THE VIGILANT FOX “It seems like the messaging that’s coming down to us, the American citizens, from our own Federal government, resembles the world of George Orwell’s 1984 more and more,” wrote  The Epoch Times . Case in point: over on the  FDA’s website , they maintain a page called: “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19” However, when you dig into it, you’ll find that the clinical trials that the FDA points to (the ones that are listed on that page) say the exact opposite. As ridiculous as it sounds: the FDA claims that ivermectin does not work against COVID-19, but in order to prove that point, they  link to studies  that say that it does. It all sounds too hilarious to be true, but remember, this is ...