The beginning of the backlash
The beginning of the backlash against gender ideology CARLOS RAMALHETE The water first recedes, then comes back a lot stronger. So does the societal recognition of human nature It’s very hard to know when to stop. And right now we are witnessing in real time the consequences of pushing an act too far. I’m talking about the literally-revolutionary ideology that tries to pretend the essential differences between males and females are just accidents of upbringing. As with many errors of the last half-millennium, it is a function of Ockham’s error . Trying to keep things simple — usually a good idea — he denied the objective existence of those things that are shared by many related individual beings. For him, the fact that there are horses would not imply that there would be a horseness independent of each horse, something beyond and behind each individual horse, something that would exist even if there were no more horses. That essential horseness of each horse, in...