Is There a Doctor in the House?
Is There a Doctor in the House? Queering the medical ethics of pregnancy to problematize a desire for “normal fetal outcomes” is an abandonment of evidence-based medicine and the principle of “do no harm.” JENNIFER LAHL MA, BSN, RN AND KALLIE FELL, MS, BSN, RN About the Authors Jennifer Lahl (MA, BSN, RN) is President and Kallie Fell (MS, BSN, RN) is the Executive Director at The Center for Bioethics and Culture . They have produced several important documentaries that can be viewed for free on the Center’s YouTube channel . Follow them on Twitter: @JenniferLahl and @Kal_Fell . In recent years, a striking paradigm shift in medical ethics has emerged, driven by progressive political ideologies purporting to champion “Social Justice.” This shift has precipitated a surge in initiatives centered around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The resulting effects have varied considerably; they include the introduction of explicit raci...