
The truckers did NOT lose in Canada. They WON. And so can we, however long it takes (if we don't let them panic-and-divide us)

  The truckers did NOT lose in Canada. They WON. And so can we, however long it takes (if we don't let them panic-and-divide us) Now we need to follow their example—and surpass it—to defeat CBDCs, and so much more that's in the works against us MARK CRISPIN MILLER “What people don't remember is what happened in the immediate aftermath: The government caved on absolutely everything within a week for the most important things, and then a month or so for the rest.” Thus Anarchonomicon observed, here on Substack, in a post that ran two months ago. (Thanks to Celia Farber for reposting it on 7/26.) In so doing, that reporter tells us, in detail, what “our free press” has wanted everybody  not  to know—which is, of course,  why  “people don’t remember” it, and why they see that winning protest as a noble effort that was variously smashed by the Trudeau regime (to fierce applause by the Canadian and US “left,” including Michael Moore, Naomi Klein and other New Authorit...

An Animal You Only See in Zoos

  An Animal You Only See in Zoos never in the wild CHRIS BRAY If you haven’t seen it,  here’s video  of the “socially minded” CEO of Harry’s Razors describing his commitment to nurturing both “birthing people” and “non-birthing people” at his company. Remember this public language, and let’s talk about something else for a moment. A few years ago, I spent a week trying to recruit other families for a quick weekend camping trip into the mountains. I failed, so I told my daughter — my wife regards sleeping on the ground in the woods as so incomprehensible an activity it seems barely human — to expect a quiet weekend of hiking and reading. And indeed, it started that way. But, as my uterus-having birthing partner and I often note in discussion, we’ve somehow created a ruthlessly efficient  machine  of extroversion. The first time I looked up from my book, my daughter was sitting on the other side of our campsite with another girl; twenty minutes later, she was up t...