
The WHO's Last Stand

  The WHO's Last Stand The Pathway to a One World Government RYAN DELARME 'Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. ' -Hanlon’s Razor Hanlon’s Razor suggests that at any given time in history, there is no malicious ruling class of unelected leaders conspiring behind the scenes and that all of the strife in human history has resulted from the pure chaos of incompetence in high places. If we were to apply this adage to COVID-19 and its response, then we may have witnessed the most lucrative act of incompetence in human history.  The consolidation of wealth and power that resulted from the pandemic was staggering and has since fueled widespread speculation that COVID-19 was no accident at all. ( # )( # )  The pandemic adversely affected more lives than both World Wars, the Vietnam War, and the Wars in the Middle East combined.   Yet to this day, there has been virtually no accountability.  Over a protracted period of time, ou...