
A Global Chorus of Pretence to Halt the Gaza Bloodbath. The New World Order’s “Global Welfare”

  A Global Chorus of Pretence to Halt the Gaza Bloodbath. The New World Order’s “Global Welfare” By  Julian Rose For those who have failed to recognise the true colours of the global institutions charged with acting for world peace, health and human rights, it will surely come as a shock to realise that such international bodies are part of the problem and not the solution. They are complicit in the carefully planned entanglement agenda which obscures truth, strings out discussion and evades taking action, while presenting themselves as ‘the caring face of global welfare’. These bodies are agents of the elite globalist push for ‘A New World Order’, top down power now going for full spectrum dominance. Heading this list must be  The United Nations, followed closely by The World Health Organisation and the World Economic Forum. These three institutions are in fact, inseparably joined at the hip. UN-WEF Partnership  There are many more such groupings, of course, but it’...

Repeal the 17th Amendment Yesterday

Repeal the 17th Amendment Yesterday BY  EL GATO MALO These “united states” were supposed to be federalist with the states as prime movers, united under a small and weak federal government limited, by design, to its specifically enumerated powers. Remember this? (Because the federal government doesn’t.) Consider how different that nation might be. A small central government, mostly facing outwardly and focused on a few matters like the common defense, borders, etc and then the 50 states, each as a sort of lab experimenting with ideas around trade and regulation and services and taxes between which each and every American would be free to choose. Simply vote with your feet and move.  States could become different in a manner that they cannot beneath such pervasive federal yoke as pervades in our current form of governance. They could cater to different folks, different businesses, different ideals. They would vary FAR more than they do today where so many regulations, taxes, and...


White Coat Waste Project (WCW) has exposed how the USDA has wasted $1 million to collaborate on dangerous bird flu gain-of-function experiments with a Wuhan animal lab white coat tied to the Chinese government The USDA-CCP collaboration is conducting cruel animal experiments to create new deadly bird flu strains that may jump to mammals Citing WCW’s new investigation, US Senator Joni Ernst is demanding answers in a letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack WCW previously exposed taxpayer funding for gain-of-function experiments on humanized mice in Wuhan and the USDA’s spending spree on dog and cat meat at Chinese wet markets Shipping tax dollars to animal abusers in China is a recipe for disaster. But, even after what the White Coat Waste Project   exposed   at the Wuhan animal lab, Uncle Sam still hasn’t learned his lesson. Link for project   Link for project Government records uncovered by WCW show the taxpayer-funded USDA-CCP collaboration is currently scheduled to be fu...