
Women like J.K. Rowling Will Not Free Us from Gender Ideology

  Women like J.K. Rowling Will Not Free Us from Gender Ideology Only men of courage can do it, and it’s not clear they will JANICE FIAMENGO The fruits of gender ideology are plain for all to see: an assault on masculinity and  marriage ; fathers cut off from their children; a  growing rift between the sexes ; the denial of biological reality; children indoctrinated to seek hormone treatments and surgeries; and the perversion of language and law. A  recent study shows women, but not men, favoring radical social policies and gender ideology . Yet it is still socially unacceptable to criticize the core dogma—feminism—that started us on this path or to observe that men are generally better suited to lead our societies than women. We’ve heard a lot lately about the courage of children’s book author J.K. Rowling, who has taken on the hate speech law of her homeland, Scotland,  and pushed the government to admit it to be unenforceable —at least against a woman of her s...