
Scientists Create Organic Slave Computers! (What Could Go Wrong?)

  Scientists Create Organic Slave Computers!  (What Could Go Wrong?) THE CORBETT REPORT by James Corbett Remember when you were a kid and you used to speculate about what wonders awaited us in the 21st century? Wow! 2024? I bet we'll all be driving flying cars by then! . . . Or at least riding on our  Back To The Future  hoverboards. Yes, just imagine what amazing gadgets and technological wonders those scientists have in store for us! And hunger? Disease? War? We'll have solved all those problems by then! I can't wait for our future utopia! Well, here we are in 2024 and I have some news for you: there's nary a flying car in sight, and hunger, disease and war are still depressingly pervasive. But there  is  one area of research where the eggheads haven't let us down: the development of frightening new technologies of enslavement! Case in point: A Swiss tech startup has just announced the first "bioprocessor" constructed from 16 "human brain organoids.

Patrick Lawrence: Power for the Sake of Power

  Patrick Lawrence: Power for the Sake of Power  Biden staring blankly during the 2024 debate against Trump. Source:   Twitter By Patrick Lawrence /   Original to ScheerPost When I awoke Saturday morning, I found my thoughts wandering back a decade, when my siblings and I plotted to get our father’s car keys out of his frail, unsteady hands. Watching Joe Biden in a television interview will do this to you. “I am running the world,” was one of the more unfathomable remarks our burbling president made when he sat Friday evening for a 22–minute exchange with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. It is a frightening thought, and thank goodness it is delusory. But anyone this out of touch with the world he thinks he runs should not be running anything.  If I were Jill Biden—Dr. Jill Biden—I would seize the keys to the ’67 Corvette and hide them at the back of a kitchen drawer.  The Stephanopoulos interview was supposed to begin mending the all-but-fatal damage wreaked during  Biden’s June 27 “debate

A Nation with Dementia

  A Nation with Dementia A.J. SMUSKIEWICZ It’s fascinating to watch the various corporate mass media “news” outlets, such as CNN and  The New York Times , pretend like they’ve suddenly discovered that Joe Biden has dementia, rather than just the “stutter” that they have been claiming for years. These “journalistic” organizations had previously been colluding with the Democrat Party to cover up the truth about the “ broken-down pile of crap ”—to use Trump’s brutally honest laugh-out-loud description. But when reality was finally exposed live-on-TV for 90 solid minutes for all the world to see, the jig was up, and they were forced to come clean. Although the Dems’ media mouthpieces are feigning shock at Biden’s woeful debate performance and obvious cognitive problems, many American people truly are in shock, because they had ignorantly believed all the media lies about Joe’s stuttering “speech impediment.” When they watched him weakly mumble incoherently and appear pathetically confused