Countless Conspiracies
Countless Conspiracies New World Orders are a dime a dozen Joe Allen It’s easy to imagine a One World Conspiracy to control the entire planet. This idea slides right into the “Evil” slot in the human mind. When your cognitive evil-detector goes off, an imagined human cabal—perhaps wearing black robes—is liable to appear in your mind’s eye. These shadowy Bad Guys either merge with the demons in your head, creating a satanic cabal; or else the human element shoves the supernatural entities aside, bringing the “demons” down to earth as a One World old-boys’ network. You either get a conspiracy of devil-worshipers or a conspiracy of devilish humans. As with peas and mashed potatoes, it all ends up the same place. If ye ain’t careful, thar bound to get’che. I’m as prone to imagine a unified front as any other paranoiac. But that doesn’t make it true. After careful consideration, I think it’s much worse than that. A single conspiracy is an easy problem to solve—you just neutralize the ...