
Piss Off... It's A Music Thread

Piss Off... It's A Music Thread Take it where you will...

In a Dark Wood

In a Dark Wood   James Howard Kunstler Behold the photo (above) showing President “Joe Biden” getting his booster shot of the Covid-19 “vaccine,” with the news media clustered to the left of what is apparently a stage-set built in a larger chamber. Do you possibly ask yourself: why bother to build a set for this event in or under the White House somewhere — including even fake daylit windows — when there are any number of actual rooms in the White House perfectly suited to holding this grand event in real daylight? What is going on here? And, by the way, how do we know that “JB” is getting an actual mRNA booster?  Or is it just 3 CCs of saline solution? Is not the syringe, after all, just another prop in the show? The video of this event was broadcast on cable TV channels and corporate media websites everywhere. None of them commented on the strange artificiality of the staging. And so, the mystery abides…. It only reinforces the creeping suspicion that absolutely everything a...

Literally Hitler

Literally Hitler Did a vaccine mandate advocate catch the glimpse of his own reflection? Brian Mowrey A provocative article invokes the metaphor the American left was once so comfortable applying to totalitarian safetyism - in defense of totalitarian safetyism. In so doing, the lessons of Nazi Germany vaccine culture are distorted beyond recognition. My myopic focus on The Asylum’s ongoing deluge of  protogenocidal  propaganda is not just a product of that outlet’s prolific output: It is an arrangement of convenience. 1  For a slick, streamlined, and young, but not too young-leaning representation of the Purge Them Now Fever propagating throughout the entirety of coastal media, The Asylum can not be beat. They are thus a better representation of what the future regime will think, and feel, than even  The Failing New York Times  or  Washington Post  - which, besides voicing critiques of the prevailing narrative, are still running op-eds by mystified oct...