
The collapse of western bourgeois democracy. Why and what comes next?

The collapse of western bourgeois democracy. Why and what comes next? Toby Rogers I’m still chewing on this line from Giorgio Agamben’s book,  Where are we now? The epidemic as politics  (to read my earlier book review click  here ). Agamben’s thesis, repeated throughout the book, is that: We are experiencing the end of an era in the political history of the West, the era of bourgeois democracy founded on constitutions, on rights, on parliaments, and on the division of powers. This model was already facing a crisis: constitutional principles were increasingly being ignored, and the executive power had almost entirely replaced the legislative by operating — as it now does exclusively — through legislative decrees [aka “executive orders”]. With the so-called pandemic, things went further: what American political analysts called the “Security State” — which was established in response to terrorism — has now given way to a health-based paradigm of governance that we term “bio...

How Education International is Pushing Teachers’ Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution

How Education International is Pushing Teachers’ Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution Why have teachers’ unions been pushing ed-tech that is driving schools into the 4IR? Look no further than Education International, a global federation tied to UNESCO & the WEF that dominates most teachers’ unions in the US and beyond. BY JOHN KLYCZEK For nearly a hundred years, the American Federation of Teachers  (AFT)  and the National Education Association  (NEA)  – the  two largest  teachers’  unions  in the United States – have cozied up to corporate foundations, such as the Rockefeller philanthropies and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with multinational technology companies, including IBM and Microsoft. After almost a century of cutting side deals with Robber Barons and Tech Barons alike, the AFT and the NEA are now parroting the Gates Foundation’s  “Reimagine Education”  campaign, which is being buoyed by the World Economic...