
the stupidest argument in fiscal policy

the stupidest argument in fiscal policy whaddaboudism is the one way ratchet to penury and predation el gato malo the stupidest argument in fiscal policy goes like this: “oh yeah, well how can you oppose my trillion dollar spending on guzinga-zinga? you just spent a trillion dollars on blahditty-blah!” this represents not only a truly terrible argument lacking in foundation but a one way ratchet to bigger government, more irresponsible spending, and turning citizen against citizen to empower those who keep shaking the jar to make us fight. consider what this argument really means and the question that it neatly sidesteps: it’s taking one outrage and using it to justify a reciprocal one. this is political perpetual motion. every new abuse invites and excuses the next. the point of this practice is to both validate the big state and to set up a wrestling match over the greased pig of “how shall we spend the money we took from you” between competing ends and like all cases of wrestling wi...

Science And The End Of Inquiry

Science And The End Of Inquiry Ideologues always believe they have all the answers Sotonye Science has reached the point of pronouncing the final completion of its wisdom, an end to the dark age of inquiry and the rise of the era of enlightenment, with the termination of all human-related questions in social justice. The scientist has no need to investigate into any matter where human beings and their differences are concerned, she has a priori knowledge received from on high. Observation of phenomena, theories of their provenance, testing hypotheses, posing conclusions, this is the process of an inferior epistemology.  This is the implied message in Nature’s new piece on the importance of avoiding any possible stigmatization of minority communities through research into their differences. All minority demographics lie beyond the scope of our questions, and the matter is permanently settled. Here are a few excerpts from the prestigious scientific journal:  Although academic fr...