The Judas Goat
The Judas Goat Creating a Qult for the ages RADIO FAR SIDE Throughout my entire career, one of my professional superpowers has been my ability to visualize complex systems and examine them from multiple angles. This has come in handy for problem solving, event planning and marketing. It can find and solve issues before they arise, as well as save significant amounts of money. It can also smell a grift from a fair distance away. Readers who’ve been around since my days on Blogger are familiar with my long-running series on the Q Phenomenon (now found in the archives here, as well). If you aren’t familiar with it, in brief I proposed that Q was sophisticated marketing operation to both map influencer networks and engender brand loyalty with the Trump Movement. The system “dropped” memes (tags and visuals) into the socmed sphere, tracked who picked them up and how those memes were spread, and created a network of True Believers that could be exploited to spread particular thought pr...