
Of Cool Heads and Hot Heads

  Of Cool Heads and Hot Heads Philip Kraske   Ever more desperate, Israel is working hard to start a world war with the United States on its side. The elimination of  Hassan Nasrallah  won’t make much difference to Hezbollah’s fight; the new leader will soon step up. But Israel might regret the absence of the cool-headed Nasrallah. Cool-headedness has actually been the norm this past year, and is among the few hopeful notes on the international scene. Lots of leaders are keeping calm, holding back the factions in their governments that would love to take a crack at the folks thumbing their military noses at them. China merely tut-tuts about foreign navy ships traversing the Strait of Taiwan, Hezbollah keeps its big missiles in their silos, Iran responds to Israeli attacks with a few half-hearted firecrackers, and Vladimir Putin frowns and issues warning after warning when Ukraine, with Nato help, hits Russian refineries and radar installations. Meanwhile Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Syria, and


  Powerlessness Patrick Lawrence Damage in Gaza Strip during the October 2023. Palestinian News & Information Agency (Wafa) in contract with APAimages, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Let us begin with some facts of the cold, hard kind concerning conditions in Gaza and the West Bank after nearly a year of terrorist Israel’s daily assaults on the Palestinian populations in both places. These statistics derive from a World Bank report issued this month,  Impacts of the Conflict in the Middle East on the Palestinian Economy . They cover conditions through March; we can confidently conclude things have since worsened. “Eleven months into the conflict in the Middle East, the Palestinian territories are nearing economic freefall, amidst a historic humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip,” the report begins. “Official data reveals a 35 percent decline in real GDP in the first quarter of 2024 for the Palestinian territories overall, marking its largest economic contraction on record. The

DARK Pill: How Satan-Worshipping Pedophiles Have Taken Over Conspiracyland

DARK Pill: How Satan-Worshipping Pedophiles Have Taken Over Conspiracyland Laurent Guyénot According to a March 2021 survey by the  Public Religion Research Institute , 15 percent of Americans and 23 percent of Republicans believe that, “ The government, media, and financial worlds in the U.S. are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.” I know that polls must not be trusted, but I can easily believe that tens of millions of people agree with that statement. It’s not just an American phenomenon; it is widespread in France too, as I have painfully observed in recent months (more later). Part of those believers might also agree with the statement that, “the government, media, and financial worlds in the U.S. are controlled by Jews,” but, if asked to choose, they would probably say that the Satan-worshipping pedophiles are above the Jews in the occult hierarchy of Illuminatis. Attempts at syncretism sometimes emerge, as when