The Long War to Reaffirm Western and Israeli Primacy Undergoes a Shape-Shift
The Long War to Reaffirm Western and Israeli Primacy Undergoes a Shape-Shift Alastair Crooke The Middle East is ‘conservative’ no more. Rather, a very different ‘Awakening’ is gestating. The long war to reaffirm western and Israeli primacy is undergoing a shape-shift. On one front, the calculus in respect to Russia and the Ukraine war has shifted. And in the Middle East, the locus and shape of the war is shifting in a distinct way. Georges Kennan’s famed Soviet doctrine has long formed the baseline to U.S. policy, firstly directed toward the Soviet Union, and latterly, towards Russia. Kennan’s thesis from 1946 was that the United States needed to work patiently and resolutely to thwart the Soviet threat, and to enhance and aggravate the internal fissures in the Soviet system, until its contradictions triggered the collapse from within. More recently, the Atlantic Council has drawn on the Kennan doctrine to suggest that his broad outline should serve as the...