All Hell Breaks Loose: Elon Musk Tweets He Felt He Was Dying After Booster, Young Cousin Hospitalized With Myocarditis; Scott Adams Says Anti-Vaxxers Were Right, Protests Outside BBC, Fox News VP Dies

All Hell Breaks Loose: Elon Musk Tweets He Felt He Was Dying After Booster, Young Cousin Hospitalized With Myocarditis; Scott Adams Says Anti-Vaxxers Were Right, Protests Outside BBC, Fox News VP Dies

Stickers of The Dead Spell Out "Tell The Truth" and "Jabs Kill" on BBC Windows; Musk Promises FAUCI FILES Will Drop In February

It was cryptic, (polite? sarcastic?) of Scott Adams to admit “Anti-vaxxers” were “right,” but none of us are experiencing this like a victory. Being right has never felt more nauseating and never will.

Americans are finding their children dead in their beds.

This is happening, all across the country. But it’s “not a story,” for those who don’t want to spread “misinformation,” defined by their homicidal sponsors.

This is blood all over the mainstream media. Just too much blood on their hands to ever wash off. The media is the murderer. The pharmaceutical companies just mass produced the weapon, and soaked the whole world in blood money. The former was not supposed to assist the latter, but rather, protect the public, by reporting what they found, not what they were fed.

“This is what your safe vaccine has done to me…You’re full of absolute sh*t you evil bastards,” vaccine-crippled man, formerly an athlete, says to BBC, as they prepare their next hit piece on “anti-vaxxers.”

Counting new graves:

Stickers of the dead on BBC windows:

Source: The Truth Barrier


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