Secular Ruling Families... Still RULING! Round 3

Round 2!

 If the following does happen...

Absent JPMorgan, Citi or Bank of America acquiring SVB before the open on Monday, a prospect I believe to be unlikely, or the gov’t guaranteeing all of SVB’s deposits, the giant sucking sound you will hear will be the withdrawal of substantially all uninsured deposits from all but the ‘systemically important banks’ (SIBs). These funds will be transferred to the SIBs, US Treasury (UST) money market funds and short-term UST. There is already pressure to transfer cash to short-term UST and UST money market accounts due to the substantially higher yields available on risk-free UST vs. bank deposits. These withdrawals will drain liquidity from community, regional and other banks and begin the destruction of these important institutions.

... This is one way the SRF & Billionaires are going to screw the herds of modern moron slaves around the Great USofT.

Those that read the nonsense I write online may recall this little muffin!

Well... I no DUMB!

I know I can't CHANGE THE MAIN SYSTEM nor the multitude of sub-systems.

So... What do I do?

Many years ago (10+) (after the last Financial Terrorist Attack 2007/8) I stopped being a degenerated necrophagous uman animal. Now I'm just a degenerated uman animal.


I don't buy electronics just because! (example my (CRT)TV was bought in 1997: update 2022- It went bust!)

I never smoked or consumed drugs (no matter the legal status!).

I've also stopped having fiat money at the banks (only leave the quantity necessary to pay the mortgage and the associated multi-risks insurance nothing else) since the last financial terrorist attack of 2007/8.

I don't travel for purposes of "tourism" or vacations.


I don't have social media accounts (Fakebook/Twatter/Instagrum and so on).

I don't go to the cinema or other entertainments (shows, concerts and so on).

I don't buy news papers nor magazines nor books.


In short, this is what I do. Quite boring and ineffective but almost free of stress!

I highlighted that one... just for FUN!

Modern Moron Slaves doing "bank runs"... We need to wait and see how Monday starts hey! Most won't get shit.


Only the insiders got them! 


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