WOKE NATO Setting Up in Canada to Make War With Russia More Green-Friendly, Yikes!


WOKE NATO Setting Up in Canada to Make War With Russia More Green-Friendly, Yikes!

More Absurdity Hitting Home from the Same People Who are Killing and Injuring Us with Military Bioweapons Disguised as Medical Cures

The Communique that emerged from the NATO Summit in Vilnius on July 11 can be seen as a verification that NATO continues to wage war on Russia.

But there is another side to NATO’s Communique. The North Atlantic Council made it clear that the injection of radical WOKE extremism into the main military alliance of “the West” continues to reach new extremes of absurdity.

It turns out the WEF’s ultra-WOKE Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, has been busy behind-the-scenes to make his home constituency of Montreal Quebec, NATO’s climate change headquarters. The authors of the Vilnius Communiqué announced, “We welcome the establishment of a NATO Centre of Excellence for Climate Change and Security in Montreal.”

Here is yet another boondoggle for the largely French-speaking province of Quebec. The Centre will be financed with funds extracted in large measure from the much-maligned oil and gas industry of Alberta and Saskatchewan.

In the name of a non-nonsensical war on carbon, one of the main ingredients of life in all its manifestations, Trudeau has been engaged in the quest to drastically shrink the size of the oil and gas industry of Alberta.

There are millions of Albertans who are closely intertwined, through business and families, with the oil rigs guys of Alberta. The oil and gas industry generates many well-paid jobs for multitudes of hard-working and often well-skilled people. When given a chance, Alberta’s Oil Patch has shown itself to be incredibly lucrative and ecologically sound.

In ways that are pointing to a constitutional showdown, the federal government is trying to impose huge reductions on carbon emissions as an expression of its fundamentalist belief in the bizarre alchemy of net zero. The so-called science behind the climate change religion is just as WOKE and wonky as the “science” supporting the COVID jabs. These clot shots have been shown to be military bioweapons disguised as medical cures.

A zero carbon world would be a dead world. The push for depopulation that began with the manufactured COVID crisis is leading inexorably to more of the same with the manufactured Climate Change Emergencies to come. Many now know that all is lost unless we join together to put a stop to the “Reset’s” continuing assaults on human survivors. We can anticipate more of the same from the same people who brought us the gene-altering bioweapons still being mandated for Canada’s federal employees by the jab-obsessed Trudeau.

The dance of the death cult of revolutionary wokism is stomping to the beat of the billionaires club that rules the World Economic Forum. The billionaires that are going for the full-fledged enslavement. Targets on the way to digitalized totalitarianism are to become serfs and peasants submitting to mandated vows of poverty. Affordable and plentiful energy is being cancelled with no viable plan B to replace it. So the death cult plays on. Famine and fire.

The more the government of Canada piles on the hocus pocus of climate change/net zero, the more the incentive grows for the Trudeau-Singh partnership running Canada’s government to do more crass-vote buying in Ontario and Quebec, where Canada’s largest population centres are located.

The brunt of this formula for national disunity continues to be felt most severely by the people of Alberta. Trillions of dollars in natural resource wealth and hundreds of thousands of Alberta jobs are on the line.

Now Albertans have to deal with yet another energy policy “stake holder,” NATO. The stakes are enormous in navigating energy policy through the rocky perils of climate change/net zero zealotry as well as through the intricacies of federal-provincial relations. The greater the amplification of Ottawa’s huge bias towards eastern Canada at Alberta’s expense, the straighter becomes the line towards Alberta’s independence.

Face It NATO: Warfare is Not Green-Friendly

The world’s Armed Forces are by far the most rapacious agents of massive environmental destruction. The ruthless business of warfare will never be rendered green. Nevertheless, the Vilnius Communique is full of WOKE hallucinations including the following:

“Provision 69. Climate change is a defining challenge with a profound impact on Allied security facing present and future generations.  It remains a threat multiplier. 

“NATO is committed to becoming the leading international organization when it comes to understanding and adapting to the impact of climate change on security.  We will continue to address the impact of climate change on defence and security, including through the development of innovative strategic analysis tools. 

“We will integrate climate change considerations into all of NATO’s core tasks, adapt our infrastructure, military capabilities and technologies ensuring resilience to future operating environments. 

“To contribute to the mitigation of climate change, we are committed to significantly cutting greenhouse gas emissions by the NATO political and military structures and facilities; we will also contribute to combatting climate change by improving energy efficiency, transitioning to clean energy sources, and leveraging innovative next-generation clean technologies, while ensuring military effectiveness and a credible deterrence and defence posture. 

“We will continue to strengthen our exchanges with partner countries, the scientific community, as well as other international and regional organizations that are active on climate change and security.” 


All of the WOKE invocations of political correctness were readily apparent in an early official statement from NATO’s Climate Change and Security Centre of Excellence in Montreal. Its authors announce,

“Canada and our international partners within and beyond the NATO Alliance recognize that climate change security impacts are experienced disproportionately by women and girls, Indigenous Peoples, and poor, marginalized and vulnerable populations across the globe. Canada and partners are therefore working to ensure that diverse perspectives, needs, and knowledge will be heard and reflected in the CCASCOE’s work.”


Canada and Its Northern Neighbour

As a Canadian and as an Albertan, my view is that Canada should withdraw from NATO, an organization that these days runs counter to our national interests. What sense does it make for Canada to get more deeply involved in the war with Russia, our northern neighbour. The circumpolar border between Canada and Russia would be the obvious site of military confrontation if NATO continues to escalate its aggressions.

Canada and Russia are both huge, sparsely-settled countries possessing vast and varied natural resources. We are the both champs when it comes to hockey and getting through winter comfortably.

Canada should disengage from all the warmongering rhetoric of the Vilnius document. NATO has long ago left behind its original priority of defending the North Atlantic Region.  

Canada Out of NATO or Alberta Out of Canada

On the need for for improved relations with Russia, please see

Canada Out of NATO or Alberta Out of Canada

On the need for for improved relations with Russia, please see

Source: Looking Out At The World From Canada


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