Israel: Ever Get The Feeling You've Been Cheated?


Israel: Ever Get The Feeling You've Been Cheated?

The Israel psyop is expanding at an alarming rate. Metastasising, you might say, like turbo cancer. And brought to you by exactly the same people.

  Some readers, I know, will be upset at my use of the word ‘psyop’ to describe events where real people have died. But that too is part of the diabolical plan. The idea is not merely to generate tension between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli factions: that part’s obvious. What it’s also designed to do, more insidiously, is fragment the Awake community, causing bitter divisions between those who’ve been swayed by the official narrative into supporting the Current Thing and those who remain resolutely sceptical.

  I got a taste of this in some of the responses to my last piece on the subject. It was titled: ‘Israel and Palestine: This Time It Really Isn’t Different.’ The point I was striving to make - the ‘This Time It Really Isn’t Different’ part of the headline, I hoped, offered a clue - was that the corrupt, parti-pris news media which has lied to us relentlessly about everything from the moon landings, 9/11, and the true origins of the Vietnam, Gulf and Ukraine Wars to the ‘Covid’ ‘pandemic’ is unlikely to have developed a fit of conscience and started telling the truth about the latest events in Israel.

  But some readers just weren’t having it. They had been fans of my podcast for ages, they said - more in sorrow than anger - but they felt badly let down by my wanton, frivolous and wilfully contrarian [I paraphrase, but that was the gist] determination not to take at face value claims in the media that hundreds of Israelis had been slaughtered at a rave in the desert near Gaza. Could I really not see that these victims were real and that this time it really was different?

  Well, no, I couldn’t with any certainty. [*More on this in my next piece] I’d hoped, in any case, that this point would be immaterial. As I’d stated right at the beginning, my sympathies are with ALL the people who’ve been caught up in this unnecessary violence, be they Muslim, Christian or Jew. But apparently, in this particular   scenario, a cool head and peaceful heart are not enough. If you’re not hot for war and hungry for vengeance as a result of the outrageousness of the latest outrage, then frankly you’re no better than the baby-killers.

  This ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ hysteria is, of course, how They managed to inspire millions of young men to get wiped out in the First World War. And the Second World War. And - if everything goes to plan - in the hot stage of the ongoing Third World War, which this Israel psy-op is designed to effect.

  If you can detach yourself from all the shroud-waving and offence-taking and sabre-rattling, the nature of the game becomes laughably transparent.  My favourite piece of silliness so far has come from Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, or from whoever it was who gave permission for a makeshift structure to be erected right next to Britain’s most sacred war memorial, the Cenotaph, and have it decorated with Palestine flags. The heads of the right-wing commentariat duly exploded. As, of course, was the intention. It was epic trolling right up there with the two women in Islamic garb photographed on a pro-Palestine protest march - and featured in all the Sunday papers, natch - with pictures of hang-gliders stuck on to their hijabs.

  This is how these psyops work and how they are meant to work: with each side goading the other into such paroxysms of frothing outrage that any thought of moderation, let alone reconciliation, becomes quite impossible. Pretty soon, it doesn’t matter what the notional casus belli was, for the escalating aggression and mutual hatred takes on a momentum all of its own. That is, once the ball is rolling, the commentariat no longer even need to argue about actual news events. They can get just as worked up talking about people’s WrongThink reactions to news events. An example of this is the right-wing commentariat’s current obsession with the refusal of the BBC - and other leftist trolls - to use the word ‘terrorist’ when describing members of Hamas. Once the psy-op reaches this meta stage, you know it’s guaranteed to run and run!

  Another popular trope used by the designated pro-Israel faction - Charles [Lord] Moore and people like Charles Moore: really they are all interchangeable and share the same single brain cell - is the one about this being the worst attack on Jews since the Second World War. This is very emotive and effective, for obvious reasons, but it’s also demonstrably untrue. The worst attack on Jews since the Second World War - with a death toll several orders of magnitude bigger than that from the recent Gaza incursion - was effected by Benjamin Netanyahu in cahoots with Pfizer when poor old Israel were subjected to one of the world’s most aggressive ‘Covid’ ‘vaccine’ roll out programmes. But don’t expect that point to be made by the right-wing commentariat - or indeed the left-wing commentariat - any time soon for stories about mass murder committed by governments using ‘vaccines’ are not allowed within Overton Window, whereas stories pushing war very much are. Funny that.

  As I’ve said before, but it really can’t be said often enough, my former colleagues in the mainstream media are all so ineffably useless that they cannot be relied to tell us the truth about anything, either because they’ve sold their souls to Satan, or because they’re so brainwashed and/or stupid they wouldn’t know what the truth was if it bit them on the arse. There are more in the latter category than you’d think. I used to be one of them myself and perhaps in a parallel universe I’m still there, awaiting my morning phone call from one of the Daily Mail features editors wondering if I fancy doing 1200 words on how totally wrong or right it was for the Guardian to sack cartoonist Steve Bell for doing the kind of ‘antisemitic’ cartoon they’ve been lavishly paying him to do for the last forty odd years.

  Not in this universe, though, thankfully. In this one I’ve happily cut loose from my cowardly, compromised, ignorant old comrades, and thrown in my lot with a bolder, braver, more honest crowd: the Awake. I hold Awake people to much higher standards than I do the whores that used to be my friends in the mainstream media (and politics and so on). Which is why I care much more when my Awake brothers and sisters fall into error, because unlike Normies they really ought to know better.

  One thing all Awake people ought to be aware of - and I did make this point in my original article and again, earlier in this one, but I guess it needs repeating for the hard of hearing at the back - is that pretty much everything the mainstream media tells us is a lie. It logically follows, therefore, that any Awake person who comes over all excited about the Current Thing being pushed by the MSM has forgotten all the basics, all that knowledge they painstakingly acquired since taking the red pill, and has been gulled into responding not rationally but emotionally.

  In the case of Israel/Palestine, it is obvious why this is happening, why even some of the most uber Awake people have chosen to lose the plot on this one. Notions like the Holocaust, the Jews as ‘God’s chosen people’, the uniqueness of Israel, the unreconstructed Medieval savagery of Islam, ‘antisemitism’, and so on, are - thanks to endless repetition in the media, at the movies, in school classrooms, and everywhere else - so deeply ingrained in our collective consciousness that to invoke them is a bit like mentioning the special buzz word that triggers your MK Ultra programming. For some of us, that programming is just so powerful it overrides what we thought were our failsafe defence mechanisms.

  I imagine it must be especially hard for Awake people who are Jewish. For your whole life you’ve had it culturally embedded in you that the world is out to get you. So it’s hardly surprising if the moment your people come under attack - or so everyone is claiming - you should forget everything you have learned about the true nature of the world and revert to factory settings. Similar rules apply, of course, to Muslims, Palestinians especially.

  But isn’t that another of the key things we Awake people have learned since becoming Awake: that these atavistic tensions between Muslim and Jew, white and black, left and right, our country versus theirs are the control mechanism by which our true Enemy divides and rules us? I’m not saying it’s easy countering the natural instinct to yearn for dire revenge when your loved ones are killed or your home destroyed. In fact I’m not even saying you SHOULD counter it. What I’m definitely saying, though, is that your ire should be directed at the people ultimately responsible: not the foot-soldiers but the ones who brainwashed them, paid them, and gave the orders.

Source: James Delingpole


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