Israel/Gaza: Ignore The Ugly Details. Focus on the Bigger Picture


Israel/Gaza: Ignore The Ugly Details. Focus on the Bigger Picture

Today I’m going to give you the definitive version of what really happened during the Hamas incursion into Israel. As usual, I shall be providing lavish footnotes and copious hyperlinks to relevant web pages, plus lots of insights supplied to me by high-placed sources within the intelligence, military and political community.

  Nah. Just kidding. As anyone who has been following me for any length of time will know that sort of approach just isn’t my style. I’m not a details man. I’m a big picture person. More specifically, I’m a pattern recognition person. It’s a skill I think may have picked up when I was an English Literature undergraduate and it’s something that, in all modesty, I’ve got pretty good at of late. You can take or leave what I say here, I really don’t mind. But as with Turner, the Robert Redford character in my favourite conspiracy thriller Three Days of the Condor, you underestimate me at your peril.

  How do I know what I know? For the same reason Turner does. There’s a famous line from the movie, just after his entire office has been wiped out by mysterious assassins and Turner is forced to go on the run, where he explains where he gets his insights. “I am not a spy. I just read books! We read everything that’s published in the world.”

  When you study literature, one of things you’re doing is looking for patterns. Suppose you’re studying Christopher Marlowe, you’ll read all the key plays - Tamburlaine, the Jew of Malta, Dr Faustus etc - and then try to establish in your mind what it is that makes all those works so quintessentially Marlovian. What is it that is most distinctive about his style, his voice, his world view? What are his strengths and weaknesses? How successful is he at saying what you think he is trying to say? In order to support your points - and this is why, despite what I said earlier, I am also to a degree a details man - you have to provide textual evidence which illustrates your claims. This in turn means that you have to develop a good memory and also a brain capable of scanning the works you are reading a bit like a computer would. The hard part is that often you don’t know what you’re looking for while you are reading: you have to work it out afterwards, hence the memory bit.

  This, by the way, is a complete digression from the subject in hand. It’s just something I’ve wanted to get off my chest for some time, as much for my own benefit as for anyone else’s. I know I’m right about a lot of the stuff I write and podcast about, but I’ve often been a bit puzzled as to why I get it right, so quickly, when often people more clever or ‘expert’ than me just don’t. How, for example, did I know within seconds of the Israel/Gaza story breaking that we were being sold a pup? And how, more importantly, can I be sure that my take is the right one?

  In a word - well, two - pattern recognition. Once you’ve looked into a few conspiracy theories - and worked out that they are all conspiracy fact - you start to realise that the people behind these events have what poker players call a ‘tell’ and what serial killers call their ‘naked disembowelled corpses arranged in a circle, their heads decorated with stag antlers and their genitalia with deadly nightshade pattern.’ That is, once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all because these ‘events’ all to a greater or lesser degree, evince the same motivation, modus operandi, and psychopathology.

  You start with the big picture premise: the world is run by Luciferian psychopaths. If you haven’t yet grasped this fundamental truth, you’re never going to understand what is really going on because you’ll be too busy deluding yourself with mental blocks, like: “But WHY would they do this? What’s the motivation? Why would our elected leaders act against our interests? Why would they actively set out to create chaos, destruction, immiseration whereas what we want is peace, prosperity and stability?”

  Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu is a case in point here. If you think the guy responsible for one of the most aggressive ‘vaccine’ programmes in the world gives a smidgen of a damn about Jewish lives or Israeli lives then I’ve got a big canal across the Suez to sell you. If you’re still stuck in the ‘cock-up not conspiracy’ mindset, if you’re still persuaded that for all his faults ‘Bibi’ (or any other politician anywhere) is your guy, then you’re never going to progress to the next level of understanding, which is…

  …that the Hamas incursion was an inside job. It is not essential to understand that Hamas was funded and created by Israeli intelligence, though obviously it helps. All you need to know is really basic stuff, stuff that everyone knows without needing to be say Defence Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph or Head of MI6 or Jerusalem bureau chief of the CIA, stuff like the fact that Israel has arguably the best intelligence services in the world, the best trained military in the world, the best technology in the world and the most closely protected borders in the world.

  If you don’t trust me on this point, look on the internet. There you will find copious instances of bemused Israelis - who are, let’s remember, just as much victims of this psyop as anyone - expressing disbelief that a two-bit terrorist organisation could launch a deadly incursion by hang-glider and pick up truck along a border guarded by tanks, aircraft, drones, watchtowers, wire and surveillance technology so sophisticated that barely a rat can fart without triggering a maximum security alert. And they know whereof they speak because they themselves have served in the IDF, as all Israelis must. They know the protocols, the territory, everything.

  Are they all shills, working for Hamas’s famously well-funded and powerful propaganda division? Or is it more likely, perhaps, that they’re just ordinary folk waking up to the shocking reality that their own government must have allowed this operation in cahoots with Hamas because there’s no way it could have happened otherwise?

  If it’s the latter - as Occam’s Razor surely tells us it must be - then a range of possibilities opens up. One is that having stood down its defences for a few crucial hours, the Netanyahu regime allowed a thousand or so terrorists to let rip, unimpeded rounding up and torturing and killing innocent Israelis, be they pensioners on bus trips or pilled up kids at a trance rave. This, if that’s what happened, would be despicable: the Israeli state colluding in the murder of its own citizens. Another possibility is that some of the atrocity stories being related in the media are in fact based on fabricated incidents, that the number of deaths attributed to Hamas (as opposed to a shoot-first-asked-questions-later IDF) have been inflated and the circumstances misrepresented. This, in its way, would be equally despicable: the Israeli state making shit up in order to justify unleashing hell on the Palestinians.

  Either way - and I suspect it’s a mixture of both - the whole business stinks. Let me stress before I go on that I’m not doubting that large numbers of innocent people, both Israeli and Palestinian, have suffered horribly as a result of this cruel and needless bloodshed. I feel for ALL of them, and their families, whether they were killed, wounded, kidnapped, traumatised or deprived of their homes. So, if I use words like ‘psyop’, I’m certainly not belittling the reality of the victims’ suffering. What I’m questioning, rather, is the veracity of the narrative currently being presented to us in - or, more accurately, rammed down our throats by - the mainstream media.

  Consider, for example, the current noisome trend in both the MSM and on social media for what you might call ‘atrocity porn.’ Here is a picture of a mangled baby, with some of the bits blurred (for reader sensitivity, supposedly), together with a prurient message warning readers that this is the most graphic image the newspaper has reluctantly but necessarily chosen to publish. And there is a YouTube video titled Unbelievable Interview: Israeli Volunteer Collects Body Parts from Music Festival.

  This is NOT normal. Imagine if, every time there were a war or a natural disaster or any other incident involving violent death, the media felt pathologically compelled to rub your nose in every last graphic detail. It doesn’t generally do so for reasons including taste, propriety, sensitivity and the well understood principle that some things are better left unseen. So the fact that the media is now breaching all these basic rules ought to tell you about the trick being played here. Someone, somewhere, has decided to pull out all the stops here; to bludgeon your senses and your emotions as almost never before; to direct you, in case you were in any doubt, to understanding that this is the most hideous injustice you ever witnessed - and one that cries out for the bloodiest of retribution.

  It’s the equivalent of the hypnotist telling you to look into his eyes, not around the eyes but into his eyes. It’s also the equivalent of one those infamous Covid posters with messages like “Look him in the eyes and tell him the risk isn’t real.” It’s what conjurors call ‘misdirection’. By encouraging you to focus on the distraction, they make you ignore the bigger picture.

  What is this bigger picture? Essentially, it’s that the latest events in Gaza/Israel are part of a strategy which dates back many decades, perhaps even centuries. On a tactical level, it’s classic Problem; Reaction; Solution. On a geopolitical level, it gives the Israel regime the excuse to wipe the Palestinians off the map (while pretending to have the moral high ground), and also to engineer the Third World War (hot stage) which the Predator Class needs in order to distract from vaccine injuries and the imminent financial collapse, as well as inaugurating yet more totalitarian policies in the name of public safety. On a spiritual level, it is designed to hasten forward Revelation, from the rebuilding of the Third Temple to the coming of the Antichrist.

  Anyone who is truly Awake ought to be able to see this for what it really is. Christians, especially, with their Biblical insights and their much-vaunted ‘discernment.’ But the devil, who is ultimately behind all this, is the prince of lies, so I suppose we shouldn’t find it altogether surprising that Christians have been among the primary targets of his deception operation. This deception dates back to the early 19th century, the promotion of ‘dispensationalism’ by the extremely dubious preacher John Nelson Darby, and the promulgation of the Scofield Bible by yet another religious charlatan Cyrus Scofield, which popularised the notion of Christian Zionism.

  You can find out more about this in Whitney Webb’s deep dive piece The Untold Story of Christian Zionism in the United States

  David Sorensen has much to say on this too - and on the Satanic connections of John Nelson Darby - in his chilling documentary The Mystery of Israel Solved

  I apologise for not supplying as many links as you might like. Though I read widely, I don’t always take notes. Readers so-minded are welcome to link to relevant material in the comments below. It goes without saying that the more widely you read, especially outside ‘official’ sources, the better placed you’ll be to understand that ‘bigger picture’ I keep mentioning. You’ll also become much more proficient at ‘pattern recognition’, which becomes easier after a time because They - the Rulers of the Darkness of this World - use the same tricks again and again. And again.

  One of the things I’ve noticed on my Awakening journey is that the historical events most imprinted on our consciousness are often the ones most factually suspect. It’s the history equivalent of Miri AF’s “If you know their name they’re in the game.” That is, there’s a reason why we ‘Remember, remember the Fifth of November’ [in Britain at any rate: this commemorates the psyop in which a Catholic Guido Fawkes was falsely accused of trying to blow up Parliament], why the Titanic sinking was commemorated by a film called ‘A Night to Remember’, why we’ve all been encouraged to remember exactly where we were when we heard the news that Kennedy was shot or that the first plane had hit the Twin Towers: it’s because They made damn sure you couldn’t not remember it.

  It’s terrifying but also not a little exhilarating when you realise that what you used to think of as ‘history’ is in fact just a succession of stage managed events created for the amusement, enrichment and empowerment of a handful of psychopaths. The exhilaration part is the sense of relief and excitement which comes from knowing you are no longer the hapless prisoner of someone else’s fake narrative: you are free, finally to think for yourself, and see the world as it really is.

  At least that has been my own experience. But not everyone on the Awakening journey, I’ve noticed, is quite so eager to go all the way. Rather than face the ultimate truth that this IS a millennia-old spiritual war between good and evil, one or two of my comrades cop out by taking what I call the ‘purple-pilled’ option. That is, they insist on keeping at least one foot in the old paradigm in order to demonstrate to themselves and their old friends that they haven’t completely lost the plot.

  On the subject of ‘conspiracy theories’, for example, this tendency manifests itself in a form of ostentatious, overzealous scepticism. I mean the sort of people who want ‘receipts’ for everything; who are dismissive of anything that strikes them as too outlandish - ‘flat earth’, say, or ‘terrain theory’, or Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), or ‘false flags’ - because it ‘discredits our cause.’

  Of course, I understand that the impulse behind this tendency is a well-intentioned one: its emphasis on the importance of rigour and hard evidence; its desire to prove ourselves to be better, more trustworthy, more consistently sceptical than the purblind dupes of the Matrix system whose credulity we so regularly deride.

  But there’s a flaw with this approach. It presupposes that the information we seek in order to confirm our suspicions is readily available, that - for example - if only we look hard enough, we’re going to find the signed mission directive from the US military’s Space Force giving orders for the deployment of DEWs over Maui, plus, perhaps, various emails to privileged landowners like Oprah Winfrey warning them to make sure the tiles on their roofs are painted blue.

  The likelihood is, though, that this evidence will not be available. That is the nature of the asymmetrical war we are fighting. Our enemies have at their disposal almost unimaginably powerful tools of disinformation and deception. They control the media, the entertainment industry, the technology companies, the military - and, also, of course, the entirety of the world’s intelligence apparatus. When they plan these operations they leave nothing to chance. They’re hardly going to leave us the kind of clues that would properly enable us to expose their schemes.

  Like Mr Wolf in Pulp Fiction, they are masters of the clean up. And masters of other tricks too, like the one where they deliberately plant information which seems to support our case, but which they then use to pull the rug from under us by revealing it to be a hoax and casting doubt on everything else we claim. This was the purpose of discredited witness Carl Beech in the UK government’s child sex abuse enquiry: “Here is a man claiming to be a victim of sexual abuse by the rich and powerful. But his claims are fraudulent. Therefore all people who claim to have been victims of sexual abuse by the rich and powerful are fraudulent.” Another example of this, in the early days of the Israel psyop, was the release of fake news that Israel had bombed and destroyed the world’s third-oldest church.

  So how do we negotiate this Hall of Mirrors, where reality is distorted, and where no one can be fully trusted for fear that they might be a double agent, a Judas goat, controlled opposition or a gatekeeper working either deliberately or inadvertently for the enemy? How can we ever hope to discover the truth in a world where the entire system is designed to keep us in the dark?

  Well there used to be a popular phrase, which you don’t hear so often these days, “He can’t see the wood for the trees.” That is, if you focus too exclusively on detail, you tend to lose sight of the bigger picture. I think the people behind psyops like the current one in Israel are very aware of this. Indeed, I’d argue that it lies at the root of their strategy. Notice how the thing we’re being encouraged to do above all else in response to those media reports is to focus on detail: the body parts, the personal tragedies, the gore, the part-blurred photographs. Almost never are we allowed space to consider the wider context, for that would give too much play to our intellect rather than our emotions.

  I observed similar techniques used in the ten years or so I spent fighting the climate wars. Every day the climate alarmists bombard us with emotive images: floods, wildfires, airport thermometers showing record temperatures, lonely polar bears, cracked earth. It’s that conjuror at work, again: he needs you to focus on his misdirections because otherwise you’d see through his trick.

  Indeed, now I think about it, it’s the method they use for ALL their psyops: Mohammed Atta’s evil staring eyes; the miraculously unburned passport; the dead little boy washed up on the beach; President Nixon on his phone call to outer space; Nigel Farage banging pots and pans for our NHS; more massacre victims of the evil Russians in Ukraine; etc.

This calls to my mind something my first driving instructor told me. He was a laid back person called Paul, quite unsuited to being a driving instructor because he was so laissez-faire. But he did once give me a tip, which clearly I’ve never forgotten, on how to negotiate your way through tight gaps - say, those metal barriers guarding the entrance to some London streets which always make you fear you’re going to get your wing mirror pulled off or your side panels scratched. He told me not to focus on the obstacles (such as those scary upright metal poles) but rather to see the picture ahead as a whole. It would help, he suggested, if I squinted so as not to get distracted by the detail. He’d got this tip from a movie about gunfighters in the Wild West, one about Annie Oakley, possibly.

Maybe too much detail is part of our problem. Maybe this is one of the reasons so many people fall for the latest thing, even people who should know better like the Awake types who saw through the Covid psyop, the climate change psyop, and the Ukraine psyop but have yet fallen hook line and sinker for the “Hamas are the most dangerous and evil threat in the world and only the annihilation of Gaza followed by war with Iran can possibly make amends for all those babies they killed” psyop. We’ve been encouraged, culturally, to believe that details are the key to understanding everything; that to be a ‘details man’ is a desirable quality. But what if actually that’s just another way of distracting us from the bigger picture? What if it’s another part of the trap?

Source: James Delingpole


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