The Bigger Picture - Exercising the Attempt at Cybernetic Modeling

I've been following Mathew Crawford down these various rabbit holes since he began this investigation.  Be sure to check out all the links in this article for background information and to more fully comprehend where the predator class may be trying to take us and how they have managed to take us this far.

The Bigger Picture - Exercising the Attempt at Cybernetic Modeling

According to Rounding the Earth

Do not take the title as a declaration that the truths of the universe are all laid out here. Like anyone else, all I can do is gather information and judge how well that information fits various models. I'm doing my best as a systems modeler, and I feel that I've made a few important breakthroughs.

Please pass this Big Picture article around, and in particular, study the many resources embedded in the graph above (click on nodes and edges for citations). I will be adding thousands of links to it as I continue to develop it. It has already evolved multiple times, and the primary current principles of organization are (1) cybernetics, and (2) cult form(ation)s. It will cover every topic that I can study that is important to this moment of global fluctuation. And so far, I've barely found a piece of machinery or a side (either side) of an issue without Rockefeller money behind it. Leave the most interesting information/articles that would be worth my adding in the comments below.

After so many hundreds of articles on a journey I never expected to find myself on, a great many vectors of my research and writing reached unexpected convergence. Observations of consilience are hard to ignore. There are programs and players through which a great deal of power flows. Some of these are concerned with "shadow war" such as coerced infertility and resource control that could suffocate entire populations.

At some point I recognized the need to organize and summarize the way that I currently view the past, present, and future, in some order. Stepping back, I began to recast everything I've learned under the lens of cybernetics. That is to say that I'm working to view the world as one big machine of managed feedback loops.

The Past: Building the Cybernetic Globalization Machinery

"There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." -Warren Buffett

Global institutions have been thoroughly corrupted—or were they "captured" or designed to be captured from the start?

Or was a plan put in place, and a system wrapped around it that makes it extremely hard to change course, so the corruption and apparent capture is inevitable?

Maybe a mixture of both?

I suspect that the capturing of democracy has more to do with cults than most people might think (or I would have thought until very recently). But it may make more sense to many people immediately when couched as a "divide and conquer" tactic. When people talk about the "New World Order", they often do not know that they're referring to an idea conjured within a cult that was well-supported by oligarchs of the past few generations.

There is Rockefeller money all over what most people might consider "resistance" movements to status quo power structures, including the Medical Freedom Movement. Some of it is channeled through government, some through non-government organizations, and some…through cults. While I read stories and books that pointed to various portions of this during my adult life, it was only by [attempting to] step forward to take some role (at least to speak up) during an event saturated with dangerous lies that I learned enough about the past, present, and future well enough to lay it out so that others might leap past the grand thought terminating cliche of "conspiracy theory" to take it all in.

And you are encouraged to double-check my research and documentation, and also my conclusions. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I believe that we got here through a lot of effort over many decades (or longer). Those efforts include:

  • Military Intelligence Complex (MIC): Privatization of these services/agencies as a form of ensuring control of the future within bloodlines.

  • Globalization of the Monetary SystemBitcoin is most likely a military intelligence project. This suggestion may sound at first weird to some people, but remember that the internet (ARPANET) was a (D)ARPA project put in the hands of the best technologists from the Office of Naval Intelligence. Currency wars and intentional debt inflation have rendered the current already fragile system weak. Systemic shocks such as 9/11 helped achieve this goal, while wars and controlled regime changes ensured compliance.

  • Eugenics: The oligarchs may even consider this a gentler solution than simply pulling the plug on the welfare states. This is partially why biowarfare programs built over decades have been hard to fully decipher.

  • (Mal)EducationDumbing down young people, and constraining intelligent specialists to siloed spheres. This limits to rivals for power, and makes top-down planning almost unassailable. Part of the result is that people are also easier to brainwash and/or to herd into cults.

  • Election Engineering: There are people from all political persuasions who will point to the rigged election that jilted them most. But by all appearances, it's a Uniparty system, run by technocratic elites, on behalf of a small pool of oligarchs.

  • Psychological and Information Warfare: This topic goes deep, including in the departments of cybernetics and mindwar. There are many modes of propaganda and brainwashing.

  • New World (Religious) Order: While the NWO is often couched under the thought-terminating cliche "conspiracy theory", the term seems to have been coined (or entered into language) by Alice Bailly of the Theosophical Society.

The result has been that technological advancement has been gradually replaced by anti-technological systems—except in a few chosen arenas where competition cannot exist so long as education sabotage limits the supply of laborers resulting in de facto monopolies. This is economic-speak for the preparation of global(ist) warfare.

One way or another, there are many appearances that the legacy system is crashing. Understand that there are many reasons to detest the legacy system, but that does not mean that the new system will be preferable. Personally, I believe that most governance can and should be privatized, but from the bottom-up, not the top-down. The how is more important than the what.

We have been pushed heavily toward a top-down governance model that privatization will result in a severe new caste system that prevents most people from contributing to the direction civilization takes. This could even set up a disastrous crash for humanity down the road. Some of the governance class may see it as an attempt to leap past certain forms of disaster. But the worst disasters are the ones that aren't seen, set up by the arrogance of people who believe that they should make all the decisions, certain of their superiority after having poisoned the minds and bodies of the lower castes.

The Present: World War C or World War E?

I originally called it World War E, which may not be [entirely] inaccurate, but leaves out my more recent modeling of the problem as one of a Cybernetic Empire, spanning the globe. That was part of my motivation for reorganizing the graph to begin keeping track of the global system. Initially the graph was just to keep track of attributes of players within the Medical Freedom Movement whom I believe to be assigned roles by various institutions involved.

Whether you call what we experienced over the past few years the pandemic, plandemic, scamdemic, or (as I choose) plandemonium (because this is all about more than a pandemic), it cannot be denied that the world is in chaos. While the articles I've written include many thousands of cited facts, I do have uncertain opinions and models. I have changed my mind on some topics—sometimes radically, even (on who was likely behind the creation of Bitcoin, for instance—and how much I trust the words of people I've spoken with over the past few years). I plan to write a few articles that question a few of my positions of the past. It was difficult to see through the fog to the levels of psyops that would be set against us.

Smaller scale version of where we are now.

For the purpose of continuity, I choose to refer to the past 16 years or so (since 2007) as "the present" because I believe that the collapse of the mortgage bond market, while expected, set the current state of events in motion. Here is a basic set of beliefs (do not take them as certainties):

  • Bitcoin was set in motion, most likely by a group that included (or entirely made up of) government technologists—most likely centered around the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). It was ONI technologist Douglas Engelbart who invented and then set up the first internet working with DARPA. Engelbart also worked with the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), which dedicated resources to "super soldier" projects.

  • Information Warfare on Steroids: Harsh levels of Mindwar were set in motion for the purpose of shaking everything and everyone up in a divide and conquer strategy to leave people desperate enough to accept some sort of stability under a new banner. This "New World Order" (coined by faux-religious guru Alice Bailey, not an overt technocrat…though John D. Rockefeller and Robert McNamara were notable trustees of her Lucifer Publishing Company (now "Lucis Trust").

  • COINTELPRO Plandemonium: UFO cultists (often with direct intelligence ties) in the vein of Alice Bailey are numerous in the Medical Freedom Movement, and other purported "resistance".

    • Cultic handlers around Presidential candidates.

    • Military intelligence connects to most or all of the MFM organizations.

One of my current opinions that is between weak and strong (but moving toward the stronger end of the spectrum in late 2023) is that election engineering has been hypercharged, though perhaps not quite in the way most people imagine. While analytics certainly come into play, I believe that intelligence agencies—and military intelligence in particular—sculpted both the 2016 and 2020 elections, and is currently working on the 2024 election through enormous psychological operations aimed at the American people and others elsewhere in the world. This is another "levels deep psyops" topic, and I hope that I have more time to flesh that out, but I have a lot of priorities.

While I handle the statistics just fine, learning biology among my many priorities is difficult. The present psyops have confused even skeptical biologists. My wife is a biochemist with working experience in the bioterrorism defense industry, and she still does not know what to think about many of the biowarfare and biomedical issues of the pandemonium. Like me, she has changed her mind on a few topics. The following list will get longer in the future. The evidence [seems, at the present] perfectly clear that, 

  • COVID mortality (however that may be defined) shot up per nation around the world after antivirals and antibiotics were halted from virtually every national case study.

  • COVID (and possibly other) mortality shot up per nation around the world after vaccines were rolled out. (national case studies)

  • Highly coordinated psychological operations kept most workers in the system from veering from the plan, or pushing back against it.

  • Highly coordinated psychological operations organized opposition to look one or more of silly, controlled, dishonest, or grifting.

The "Resistance Movement" is heavily controlled, with numerous chaos agents and the most substantial mindwar psyop ever devised. There are a lot of people reading from scripts, and what I experienced with the insane resistance to my work on the military health database proved that to me in a way that caused me to change course in my work, though many other clues piled up—particularly from mid-2021 through early 2023.

As I look around the world, I see controlled opposition everywhere. I sometimes call it "Hegelian pinball". And it's not just about the pandemic. Anyone notice that the ACLU went limp lately? Are there any truly successful education reformers? Are there any real opposition parties around governments anywhere in the world? If globalist powers can simply murder politicians so easily, is that a hope we can rely on?

The Future

It is hard to know where the future will take us.

Given the ferocity of culture wars designed to break society into pieces [most easily gobbled up into cults], I doubt that the world will be ready to hold hands to resist tyranny in short order. That's a shame, and it will depress many people. Just remember that life goes on. And by that I mean that even if many people perish, life goes on. Humanity has survived every test so far, and I do not believe the troubles we face will be any different, even if there are horrors. The entire situation will turn around if people can learn to see past the Mindwar.

The engineered COVID crisis could turn into (C)Ovid's Metamorphoses. We could suffer a period of partial anarchy in which a de facto caste system allows higher castes to abuse lower castes. The U.S. has clearly already moved in that direction since World War II, but it can get worse and probably will. Historically, such periods do come to an end. Those who prepare themselves will be less subject to abuse.

My views on Bitcoin have diverged from those of the larger groups debating it out, and probably make me unpopular with everyone. As RTE readers likely know, I care little about popularity. I'll continue to share my thoughts as they evolve.

I personally still suspect that Bitcoin will become the distributed global banking network, replacing the system that got us here—a system that was bound to crash. There may be additional currency solutions depending on whether anyone comes up with a good way to create Layer 2/3/N solutions that allow for Bitcoin to be easily used in micropayments. The so-called lightning network has issues that may or may not have solutions.

My concerns over centralization of mining, which would limit many of the positive facets of Bitcoin, are growing. If nothing else, those who control the production of computer chips can simply control the supply of miners. Can production of silicon wafers ever be decentralized?

Bitcoin immediately appealed to me as I learned about it in 2017. I would have adopted earlier had I not been so committed to education projects from 2003 through the end of 2016. The design of the Bitcoin network does a lot to solve the problems of the status quo system.

I am currently uneasy about how that is taking place, and the methods I believe are being employed. In fact, I worry that elite Bitcoiners have been part of engineering the plandemonium, then controlling the opposition. This may include a variety of government actors, and in the intelligence networks in particular.

Personally, I don't worry that the starting distribution of Bitcoin will be highly uneven. Monetary wealth is only one form of wealth. Real estate is still real estate. Businesses are still businesses. But unequal distributions of wealth are certainly [extremely] troubling, and if a pool of Bitcoin is used to buoy some monopoly on force, critical infrastructure, or basic resources, humanity could be in for an era of hurt. Then again, the current system has led us toward a global open air prison that could result in the kind of collapse that is hard for the vast majority of humanity not to get caught up in. The inflationary pressures accumulating are certain what drives many people into buying (or hedging with) Bitcoin.

My view on privatization is similar. I suspect that we will see many of the functions of government and various corrupted institutions such as education and medicine privatized, but still highly centralized. This all seems to be engineered in a top-down manner. The result will be a dramatic loss of the potential good that could be done by bottom-up, distributed systems. Small business has never had it so bad, and that problem will not reverse until true decentralization of primary systems occurs.

I could offer solutions to the education problem, but this presupposes societal stability. I hope that we are not past the point when my domain knowledge can again generate add to the ecosystem. Right now it feels like we all simply need to educate ourselves about the bigger picture—and to rekindle relationships with those among our neighbors willing to think through it all and talk about it.

Source: Rounding The Earth


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