What the Left Gets Right—and Why

 What the Left Gets Right—and Why

Anti-genocide protestors deserve everyone's support

The Zionist genocide of Palestine is not a left-versus-right issue. It is a question of right-vs.-wrong.

But the media don’t see it that way. They have created an “Overton window” of acceptable mainstream opinion, and divided into two windowpanes: a left windowpane overlooking a scene in which it’s okay to call for a ceasefire as long as you condemn Hamas; and a right windowpane looking out on a madly counterfactual landscape in which Israel is supposedly “defending itself” by slaughtering tens of thousands of women and children.

Both perspectives are insane, in the sense that they bear little relation to objective reality. Nobody looking through the mainstream’s Overton window can see what’s really happening in Occupied Palestine.

During recent weeks, a snowballing series of student protests on campuses in the US and around the world have challenged the mainstream media’s anti-Palestine propaganda—from the left. Because many protesters are self-styled progressives who hate racism and support open borders, socialism, and LGBTQ, right-wing media have portrayed them as crazy woke radicals. Zionist-owned-and-operated conservative media invite their audience to side with Israeli genocide perpetrators against the woke Palestine protesters.

But the protesters are right about Palestine. They have correctly perceived the elephant in the room: The whole Zionist movement, and the nation it founded, are not just illegitimate, unsustainable, and genocidal, but clinically insane.

What do I mean by saying a whole nation and its ideology are insane? Imagine, if you will, that Celtic Americans like me launched a movement to create a Celtic state in Britain and western France, on the pretext that our ancestors had lived there thousands of years ago. Imagine that we proposed to invade Britain and western France, mass-murder and expel the people currently living there, and found a Celtic state. You would call us lunatics, and you would be right. But our project would in essence be no different from the Zionist one.

Why have so many left-leaning young people figured this out, while most right-leading older ones have not? One reason is that the young are less blinded by religious prejudice. American Christianity, and American Judaism, have largely been captured by Zionists, who funded the creation and widespread distribution of the so-called Scofield Bible that has convinced so many evangelical Christians that God wants the Jews to commit genocide in the Holy Land. (Likewise, both the Catholic Church and Jewish congregations have been infiltrated and steered by Zionists.) Since Generation Z is less religious than its predecessors, it is less influenced by the bad side of American religion—in this case, Zionism—as well as the good side.

Another reason that “the left is right” on this particular issue is that the left-wing belief system is built around sympathy for oppressed people. Communism shed oceans of blood in its quest to avenge and empower miserable, exploited working-class people. Socialism and left-leaning liberalism have used more peaceful means, with mixed results.

Today, the billionaire owners of the American empire have brainwashed much of the political left into forgetting about ordinary working people and instead championing the rights of racial minorities and LGBTQ. That’s the biggest single reason that the left is wrong about so many things.

But anybody whose basic political orientation revolves around sympathizing with oppressed people, and who takes the time to learn about the Zionist genocide of Palestine, is sure to side with the Palestinians. Though the Zionists have tried to present themselves as the world’s leading victim group, using their sacred Holocaust story as a centerpiece, nobody with basic critical thinking skills is likely to believe them…especially when it comes to the conflict in Occupied Palestine.

The political right, which does not share the left’s obsession with defending the oppressed, persecuted, and exploited, ought to be even more pro-Palestinian. The right is skeptical about crazy ideological projects, and there has never been an ideological project as crazy as Zionism. And the right is patriotic and nationalist, while the Zionist movement has hijacked America on behalf of a pernicious foreign government, committing atrocious crimes in the process—the Kennedy assassinations, the attack on the USS Liberty, 9/11, and now the Gaza genocide, to name a few. Common sense, basic decency, geopolitical savvy, and love for American traditions and values should motivate the right to undo the Zionist takeover of America.

Conservatives ought to join the campus anti-genocide encampments. They ought to congratulate the young protesters for getting this important issue right. And they ought to explain to the leftist protesters that while there is nothing wrong with defending the oppressed and persecuted, the leftist belief system opens its adherents to potential manipulation by oppressors posing as the oppressed—proverbial wolves in sheeps’ clothing. The Zionists, of course, provide the ultimate example. On that, left and right should be able to agree.

Source: The Unz Review


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