Right on, Q


Right on, Q


I don’t like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the frickin’ frogs gay!

- Alex Jones

With the reported assassination attempt of Donald Trump dominating the headlines over the last week, it’s safe to say that people are much more open to the idea that there is fakery in such high-profile events involving state actors than say, before the scamdemic.

Jim Breuer has a hilarious bit about how so many people have become inured to government lying and gaslighting. At about the same time, I saw that clip for the first time, a video of some sort of strange craft on a military vehicle. It was heartwarming to see tweet after tweet calling BS on the whole thing with many even referencing holograms and Project Blue Beam. (Not because I believe that PBB is a real thing, but simply because so many people know what it is).

Donald Jeffries wrote about the assassination attempt that channels the mood of Jim Breuer’s bit, while plenty of others are calling out the serious inconsistencies in how the whole thing evolved. There’s even video that has surfaced showing people alerting and literally pointing out to law enforcement - for over a minute - that there was someone on the roof with a rifle whom you can see in the video as well.

In 2024, it’s hard to believe that there are still people so completely brainwashed that they can look at all of the accounts that have come out since Sunday night and arrive at the conclusion that this was just your run-of-the-mill assassination attempt and some lone-nut 20-year-old did this all on his own. He's even going by three names. But they are out there, and certainly being presented as credible on mainstream news shows.

Any talk of anomalies that might point towards a more nefarious explanation is still completely unacceptable to these mainstream outlets of course, and out in normie world people still throw around the word term conspiracy theorist as if using that alone is still enough to dismiss any alternate theories.

As one might expect, the MAGA crowd has referenced divine intervention (and indeed, President Trump ran with that last night at the RNC). There have been claims that Q had predicted this as far back as 2019, although what I’ve seen is just as cryptic as any other drops and it takes a bit of imagination to claim that the predictions are explicit.

I have always been intrigued by the whole idea of Q but I've never found anything compelling enough to believe it was any more than at best a joke, or at worst, a psyop.

I’ve read a fair bit on the matter and have even joined a few telegram groups trying to see what I could learn about it. I have always been polite but anything short of complete and total allegiance to the Q narrative is perceived as opposition, so the question I asked in each group, “What is it that is so unique about Q that couldn’t be explained by its simply being a deep-state psyop?”, always led to my quickly being kicked out without a satisfying answer.

A few independent researchers have claimed to have cracked the case and named a couple of strong candidates for who Q is, though nothing has been proven and none of the suspects have owned up to being responsible. I strongly lean psyop - there’s just too much mainstream attention focused on it to be the result of a solitary 8chan user and thus still leaves us with the question, “If it’s a psyop, what is its purpose?”

I’ve long known that JFK Jr. figures into the Q story from watching Fall of the Cabal (which I will go into in more detail later on) and so when I noticed that he started trending on X at the beginning of last week and continued to do so all week long, it made my spidey senses tingle, as they say. Topics and celebrity names - especially dead ones - don’t trend for more than a few hours, or a bit more at best so it’s certainly curious that his, of all dead celebrity names, was trending up until the assassination attempt.

For those unaware, JFK Jr. is a major piece of the puzzle that is Q. According to diehard believers, JFK Jr. faked his death in 1999, as did Princess Diana two years prior, and both have been waiting for the last 25+ years to assist Donald Trump in taking down the deep state cabal. I’ve even learned recently that Baron Trump is Diana’s biological child continuing a royal bloodline extending back to Jesus. Melania is of course, still his mother and a warrior in her own right. There is also time travel involved where Trump isn’t exactly cloned but there are several of him of various ages who can be seen attending his rallies, and Trump isn’t even Trump but JFK Sr. and literally Jesus.

JFK Sr. Memorial at Arlington Cemetery

At this point in my life, I will believe that just about anything is possible including everything in the previous paragraph. It is incredibly far-fetched and even more incredibly unlikely, but honestly, if it all turned out to be completely true I wouldn’t bat an eyelash. (OK, my eyelashes would be on tilt.)

It’s just that there is no reason to believe any of it is, and if it were it would surpass anything previously at the top of the craziest-thing-to-ever-have-happened list by more than anything has ever surpassed anything else by a long shot.

While I do want to emphasize that I truly have an open mind to just about anything these days, I do lean towards the more mundane explanation. However, what I believe is irrelevant as this kind of psyop is not meant for me but the general public and I think that we can certainly agree on the fact that the general public thinks the JFK Jr. and Princess Di faked their death, etc…story is absolutely and completely batshit bonkers.

Are frogs having a sexual identity crisis?

It’s safe to say that most people reading this have either heard the story or heard Alex Jones talking about gay frogs on his show. If you’ve never actually seen him saying it on his show, I strongly encourage you to check it out. The man most certainly has a unique way of emoting and simply reading it doesn’t come close to doing the segment justice. The link has a bit of context leading up to it but only that specific quote is what the majority of people remember.

The media (and most people) latched on to the “turning the frogs gay”, but if you ever did decide to look into what he was talking about you would see that chemicals weren’t turning the frogs “gay” but turning them from male to female, or both. The chemicals have been promoting sexual abnormalities - specifically atrazine - you might have heard RFK Jr. reference it recently - which could have lifelong effects on the reproductive cycle of frogs.

The Internet used to be what normies think the Internet is now, that is a mostly unregulated cyberspace where information is obtained as easily as opening up a web browser and typing your query into a search engine. I’m not sure when that place went away, but it most certainly does not exist now, and as I said in my last article, the first indication that we should be suspicious of what we are hearing is the very fact that we are hearing about it in the first place.

Operation Mockingbird didn’t stop just because they held some hearings about it in the 1970s and has without question gotten its hooks into what we call the Internet. If the issue doesn’t align with whatever the mainstream narrative is, it takes much more than a simple search engine to find any information about it. Try it for yourself and look up something like, “how to detox your child from the vaccine schedule” or “did they really find a passport from one of the planes that flew into the World Trade Center?” to name just a few.

Alex Jones is often referred to as controlled opposition in that many people believe that although he bills himself as the ultimate truth teller and enemy of the state, he is in fact, working for those whom he criticizes. I think a lot of people who label him as such don’t truly understand what the purpose of controlled opposition is.

Sure, the standard definition is that controlled opposition pretends to be supporting Side A but is actually working for Side B and is only trying to disrupt Side A’s mission, with this aspect being especially present in all areas of 911 truth research.

Most of us who are trying to expose the criminals responsible for 911 know that the 911 Truth community has been almost completely taken over by the likes of Richard Gage, David Chandler, and Steven Jones to name a few, who have supported completely false theories like nano-thermite explosives being planted in the towers, or Hani Hanjour piloting a jumbo jet to come perfectly level with the ground and strike the Pentagon while ridiculing and/or attempting to silence those who are proposing theories are evidence-based to divert attention from what actually happened.1

However, controlled opposition’s only purpose is not only to promote false information but also to discredit those who are on the right track by revealing the truth in preposterous ways so that the truth they are revealing is discredited by association. In my last post, I talked about the fallacious conclusions one can come to by equating the veracity of the message with the credibility of the messenger, rather than evaluating the message on its own terms.

This is the point of Alex Jones' buffoonish personality that became more and more a part of his schtick in the 00s. Jones’ now famous line about chemicals being put in the water that is turning the frogs gay was deliberately over the top so that it could be discredited on its face.

Frogs can’t be “gay” obviously, so the way Jones said it doesn’t require any fact check at all. The point is that people see him deliver ridiculous statements like, "THEY'RE TURNING THE FROGS GAY!" with all the bluster of your common lunatic, and the job is done. Not only does Alex Jones become the butt of conspiracy theorist jokes, anyone who references Jones is dismissed by association along with anything that Jones says regardless of its veracity.

They've also used Jones the Clown to discredit any legitimate investigation into the official story of Sandy Hook, because if Alex Jones says it was all a government operation, well, Alex Jones is a nutter therefore anyone who questions it can be dismissed as well despite the numerous anomalies associated with it.

The Podesta Emails

In October and November of 2016, what is referred to as The Podesta Emails were released by Wikileaks leading to the scandal that everyone knows as Pizzagate (yes, Laura Silsby came first, more on that later). If your first thought is, "Oh, that silly thing? That was just a bunch of gullible and paranoid 4chan shitposters," then you haven't truly looked into the matter yourself.

The mainstream media went very quickly into spin mode, trying to dismiss the whole thing as much ado about nothing. There was Pizzagate, Explained at Salon, describing the emails as "seemingly mundane" and that "these emails mentioned pizza a few times."

The Skeptical Inquirer told us the whole story was “bizarre”, “outlandish” and “preposterous”. There were mainstream journalists Amanda Robb and Laura Starecheski with “Pizzagate: A Slice of Fake News.”

Those are just a few of the examples and each one definitively and decisively decrees that everything about Pizzagate was completely unfounded, mixed with varying degrees of befuddlement as to how anyone in their right mind could come to believe in such a patently absurd conspiracy theory.

The one thing that each of these articles did not present, and is the case for every similar article from the mainstream, was examples of the email correspondence found in the Wikileaks release. Of course, no examples were provided because they were far from mundane and didn't just "mention pizza".

Aedon Cassiel had his article from December 2016 republished in The Unz Report where he writes:

In one email, Podesta is among those being invited to a farm and the host says, “Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in [the] pool for sure.”

Could that have an innocent explanation? Sure, maybe. But inviting a group of adult men to a gathering and calling young children “further entertainment” while listing their ages is weird, whether it ends up having an explanation or not.

That is just the tip of the iceberg and the bottom line is not only is there compelling evidence to believe that there was some sort of child trafficking/pedophilia going on at Comet Ping Pong and Besta Pizza, it goes far beyond there and the evidence for this at the highest levels of governments in both the United States and Europe over the last 30 plus years is staggering.

Cassiel wrote Part II: Another Slice of Pizzagate and Part III: Precedents for Pizzagage that you can read right away, but Dave McGowan who I've written about before, published Programmed to Kill2 in 2004 and spends the first three chapters of his seminal work detailing the history of child trafficking and pedophilia among the elite.

Pizzagate did not go away despite the mainstream media’s continual, almost daily attempts to bury it by brute force of its authoritarian decrees of fake news. There is no shortage of articles from 2017 that refer to it as a "bogus theory" or a "conspiracy legend and matter of factly stating, “Pizzagate was a widely discredited news story that linked Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign with a fictional human trafficking ring.

With any explanation missing from any of these articles how the Pizzagate theory had been investigated and determined to be false, the story wouldn’t die. However, what is quite convenient is what took place a little more than a year after the Wikileaks release.

Edgar Maddison Welch, a sometimes actor from North Carolina went to Comet Ping Pong on December 4th armed with - well, there are varying accounts - either an assault rifle, a shotgun, or multiple guns. That could be chalked up to the confusion that would surely surround such an event but the weirdness doesn't stop there.

He fired anywhere from one to three shots which destroyed a computer inside Comet Ping Pong, which destroyed the server that may have held incriminating information. A since-deleted YouTube account called Titus Frost covered this in an interview he did with a hacker who claimed to have obtained partial access to the server, discovering highly incriminating information. It’s on Bitchute now if you want to (and you should) listen to it.

His father, Harry Welch Jr. owns a production company based in North Carolina and has produced at least two movies which his son had roles. The name of the production company: Forever Young Productions.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Welch Jr. also helped to found Protect-a-Child, INC., served as its Executive Director until 1988 when it had a presence in 35 states, and earned an endorsement from none other than John Walsh of America's Most Wanted saying that their "ID Kit was the best he'd ever seen." Not only that, he says that he was appointed in 1985 to service [sic] as a director to newly elected Gov. Jim Martin’s Committee on Child Victimization.”3

Let's set aside the fact that organizations that have been set up to protect children have been known to do the opposite - you may be familiar with the credible accusations against Oxfam in HaitiChad, and Liberia, or even more scandalously the story of Laura Silsby (now Laura Gaylor) who was arrested for child trafficking in Haiti, eventually being convicted of a much lesser charge due in large part to the intervention of Bill and Hillary Clinton. If that weren't enough, her Lawyer at the time, Jorge Puello, was arrested at the same time, and would spend three years in federal prison and his wife spent time in prison in El Salvador both on child-trafficking-related charges.

The problem with Welch Jr.'s credentials as an advocate for protecting children from trafficking and sexual abuse is there doesn't seem to be any public record of his having held either of the positions he claims. Protect-a-Child, Inc. despite its huge presence across the United States, according to Welch, doesn’t seem to exist nor does there appear to be any Committee on Child Victimization during James Martin's two terms as North Carolina's governor.

There is a lot of credible evidence pointing to exactly what the mainstream media is constantly telling us is complete fiction, though it certainly does not equate to proof of guilt.

The only way to discover the truth is through a thorough and honest investigation by authorities to determine if any crimes have been committed, but I'm not holding my breath that we'll ever get to the point where any of these people are investigated for the credible accusations against them, let alone held accountable for their crimes. I'd echo what Cassiel says in part III:

If the media is telling you only about the most bizarre, reaching accusations without telling you any of the more interesting points that have been uncovered (which it is), it is not doing its proper job.”

*This turned into something much longer than I anticipated, so keep your eye out for Part II: Following the Qs


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For a much longer version of the last three paragraphs, check out this thread from Champagne Joshi.

Source: Reports From The Rabbit Hole


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