The Surprise of Hazel
The Surprise of Hazel
Russians have the quaintest ways to name their weapon systems. They name them after flowers: geranium, hyacinth, tulip. They give them female names: Katyusha, Tatjana. They might use the moniker of a favourite doll, like Pinocchio. Today it is Hazel, translated in Russian as Oreshnik, the latest medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile with multiple nuclear-capable warheads. This little number was recently tested at the Yuzhmash plant in Dnepropetrovsk (or ‘Dnepr’, as it is called by the Ukrainians). It is a lethal beast that no Western defence system can stop as it approaches at the astounding speed of Mach 10. All the world’s militaries began to scramble upon news of its first operational flight, but once it gets fitted with nuclear warheads – it will truly terrify.
What would be a worthy target for such a devastating monster? Who should be first to be obliterated once WW3 starts? It seems like too much power to waste on Ukrainians. Who really deserves the whole brunt of Oreshnik? Which country threatens the survival of Russia the most? The international consensus comes down to a choice between the US and the UK. Russian experts and philosophers routinely debate the issue. Who is worse? Who contributed more to the upcoming tragedy? It’s easy to blame the US, but there is a separate school of thought that condemns perfidious Albion, even for US aggression. In the US, the late Lyndon LaRouche expounded British conspiracies and showed how the City of London consistently manipulated US foreign policy as a stalking horse to achieve British objectives. In Russia, the popular writer Dmitri Galkovsky preaches to his growing number of followers to guard against the schemes of Britain.
Our own Ron Unz, a great scholar of the secret history of the 20th century, teaches us that British warmongering started a long time ago. For instance: US President Woodrow Wilson wanted to bring peace to Europe after two years of slaughter. Germany was ready to make peace, and proposed it in 1916. But the British War Minister David Lloyd George—who had initially been a leading advocate of the American peace option—suddenly switched sides, and declared that Britain would never accept a “compromise peace” and instead exclaimed that they were willing to fight for twenty years if necessary in order to achieve a total military victory. Suddenly, anything less than a “knockout” was “unthinkable.”
After WWI, it was Britain that pushed Germany to create an independent Poland very much along the lines the country of Ukraine was created fifty years later. “The Germans decided to resurrect an independent Poland as a German client state more than a century after it had disappeared from the map, a geographical change that would greatly weaken Russia”, writes Ron Unz. Immediately afterwards, British agents began to encourage Polish intransigence against Germany. British efforts deliberately undermined all attempts to form a compromise between Germany and Poland over Danzig. Not that America was any more innocent: “Roosevelt ordered his diplomats to exert enormous pressure upon both the British and Polish governments to avoid any negotiated settlement with Germany, thereby leading to the outbreak of World War II in 1939,” writes Unz.
As soon as WW2 ended (after England was saved thanks to the immense sacrifice of Russian soldiers) London immediately called for the destruction of Russia by the means of Operation Unthinkable. It was only the loss of the election by the Tories that saved Russia in 1945 from a sneak attack by the combined forces of the German Wehrmacht and “as many as 47 British and American divisions in the area of Dresden, in the middle of Soviet lines.”
Old stories, you’ll say. It’s water under the bridge! Not at all – a few days ago British investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg disclosed on his site GrayZone the brand-new Operation Alchemy. In his words,
“leaked documents obtained by The Grayzone have revealed the existence of a British military-intelligence cabal, which plotted since the onset of the Ukraine proxy war to prolong the conflict ‘at all costs’. Known as Project Alchemy, the secret cell was convened under the watch of the British Ministry of Defense, and overseen by a high-ranking Lieutenant General, Charlie Stickland.”
“…Project Alchemy put forward an array of highly aggressive schemes, from cyber attacks to ‘discreet operations’ to outright terrorism inspired by notorious Operation Gladio, the Cold War-era pan-European CIA and MI6 ‘stay-behind’ fascist terror army. Its stated objective was to ‘keep Ukraine fighting’ for as long as possible, no matter the cost.”
“Complementing its calls for clandestine special forces-style attacks on Russian territory, Project Alchemy proposed an aggressive propaganda blitzkrieg, under the bland banner of ‘information operations’. In order to manage [the] Western public, which was likely to turn against a long war if its economic costs grew too steep, the cabal’s members whipped up a menu of malign attacks on disruptive media outlets through a campaign of legal harassment.”
It was not merely idle planning. In February 2022, as the Russian army stood at the gates of Kiev, the Ukranian leadership begged for peace. Putin immediately answered that call, and the Istanbul Agreement was reached, arranging for peace between the Ukraine and Russia on very favourable terms for the Ukraine. At this crucial moment, British PM Boris Johnson went to Kiev and told the Ukrainians to renege on the agreement and resume fighting. Here we are two years later, half a million Ukrainian fighting men are dead, and peace is, as the British say, “unthinkable”.
And so Britain has done it yet again: the old Empire refuses to relent even in the face of certain defeat. They fantasize about squeezing Russia, pushing it ever Eastward. First, they tear off Poland, then they tear off Ukraine, until Russia is shattered into small pieces that may be individually digested by the Anglo-American Empire and then mercilessly looted. This is the usual modus operandi for them. Let’s not forget that Britain is guilty of instigating the US Civil War between the states. London was preparing to send the British Navy to aid the Confederate Army until the Russians stepped in and saved the Union’s bacon. The Russian fleet spent the winter of 1868 in New York and San Francisco, and told the Brits to bugger off.
The full history of British aggression is too long to tell, but let’s cover a few salient points. There was Lord Balfour who promised to give Palestine to the Jews. The same man sent the British army to fight the Ottoman Empire, tearing away Palestine. Never forget that the British created Zionism, as proven by Professor Ould-Mey. For more, see my piece Why Palestine is Important. William Henry Hechler (1845- 1931) was “the British agent who actually fathered Zionism in Eastern Europe and Russia”, the man who turned Leo Pinsker into a Zionist, and later guided Theodor Herzl. In the 1930’s, the Brits suppressed all Palestinian attempts to gain independence. In the 1940’s, the Brits caused millions of Indians to die of starvation, using the same method they used to starve millions of Irish in the 19th century. The British attempted genocide numerous times: in North America, killing off the Native Americans, in Australia, exterminating the Aborigines, in New Zealand murdering the Maori.
The Brits like to instigate international wars and kill natives. But give them credit, they did not limit themselves to the third world. They were keen to exterminate Germans too, and so they turned this land of great philosophers and poets into a wasteland ruled by the likes of Green Party foreign minister Annalena Baerbock. Even their flagship car-manufacturing industry was finally allowed to go under. No one could have imagined the humiliations visited upon poor Germany by a victorious England. Even Hitler, as Ron Unz showed, did everything he could to avoid war, being at heart a great Anglophile. Yet the Brits love to hate Russians even more than they love to kill Germans. They fought the Crimea in the 19th century, they broke the Soviet Union in the 20th century, and now they terrorize Russia in the 21st century.
Obviously there are many serious reasons to build Hazel (Oreshnik) missiles to hold over the heads of these congenitally aggressive Brits. But what if Russia (for whatever reason) is forced to pull the trigger? Speak not of hate, oh no! It’s not that the British inspire hatred. Not at all. They are as nice as the lynx, and as equally ferocious and deadly. But let’s admit it: probably the world will be better without the malevolent presence of the British. Their neighbours on the island, the Scots and Welsh, will prosper when it is gone. And their own Jews, so keen on their own plans of global conquest, will be taken down a peg or two, knowing as they do that it was they who removed the peace-seeking Jeremy Corbyn from his deserved position at the top.
This is a job for a serious man, and it is a job that we can trust to Mr Putin. As a dedicated man of peace, he will do whatever is necessary, and as always he will do it neat and clean. And then let the world enjoy the fruits of his labor! Such creative destruction is truly a what they deserve!
With kind assistance of Paul Bennett
Source: The Unz Review
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