"The Triumph of Evil" by Paul Craig Roberts
The Triumph of Evil The West’s Medical Authorities and Presstitute Media Should be Indicted for Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder Paul Craig Roberts Ohio Judge Orders Hospital To Treat Ventilated COVID-19 Patient With Ivermectin https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/ohio-judge-orders-hospital-treat-ventilated-covid-19-patient-ivermectin?utm_campaign=&utm_content=Zerohedge%3A+The+Durden+Dispatch&utm_medium=email&utm_source=zh_newsletter The murderers at West Chester Hospital in Cincinnati would rather patients die than to treat them with Ivermectin. This is how crazed and brainwashed the Medical establishment is. A judge had to intervene to force the hospital to give Ivermectin treatment to a dying patient. In America to get competent medical treatment requires wining a court case. The corrupt public health authorities protecting Big Pharma profits use the excuse that people desperate for Ivermectin but unable to get Ivermectin for humans are harming themse