Women's Tears Win in the Marketplace of Ideas
Women's Tears Win in the Marketplace of Ideas How belief in the blank slate plus residual gender double standards create "cancel culture," and the difficulties of fighting back Richard Hanania Having mentioned the concept a few times, many have been encouraging me to write a Substack on the feminization of political life and its connection to free speech issues. Noah Carl beat me to it , and the idea has also been picked up by no less an authority than Tom Edsall at the New York Times . I’ve already written about the overrepresentation of women in HR. We can understand the decline of free speech as a kind of female pincer attack: women demand more suppression of offensive ideas at the bottom of institutions, and form a disproportionate share of the managers who hear their complaints at the top. What is left to contribute on the question of how feminization relates to pathologies in our current political discourse? First, I think that the ways in which public debat