

 Another point of view... WORLD WAR THREE WILL NOT TAKE PLACE Mass hysteria and the end of the New World Order Frank Wright The “ Four Horsemen ” of Atheism, reprising another mass cultural product. Etc. Today I go on about why we are not all going to die in a massive war,  and what is likely to happen before we all pop our clogs anyway. I am on about  the production of mass culture and its effects  here, with reference to the  present crisis and the near future  beyond it. IN BRIEF There is not going to be a nuclear war in Europe. There are good reasons for this, and I have explained them here. Click the image. Yes, I know. I don’t get to write the headlines. If you read this I explain the danger and where it is coming from and why this is not going to kick off. It makes me unpopular to say so,  but we are not all doomed. Today I will explain how the end of the world is a useful concept - aside from being weapons-grade clickbait. It is now being used ...

Are they planning a false flag event in London?

  Are they planning a false flag event in London? Very nearly all of London's Webcams went dark in early September. Why? Alex Krainer Yesterday, as I was finalizing my new report on Great Britain, an update to my August 26 article " The Coming Collapse of Britain ," YouTube randomly suggested to me a short video by one  Craig Houston  titled, " Why are ALL LONDON webcams offline...? " I was nearly floored: Mr. Houston looked through hundreds of Webcams across London and could not find a single one that was live. See for yourself  here  and  here ! That's extremely odd: clearly,  someone  made the decision to switch them all off - they couldn't all have failed randomly. One of the webcams over the Westminster bridge displayed the last image it recorded: it was on 2 September 2024 at 16:51, which at least gives us a clue about when the Heart of Darkness went dark to the world. I posted a comment about this in my  TrendCompass report  yeste...

The Surprise of Hazel

The Surprise of Hazel Israel Shamir   Russians have the quaintest ways to name their weapon systems. They name them after flowers: geranium, hyacinth, tulip. They give them female names: Katyusha, Tatjana. They might use the moniker of a favourite doll, like Pinocchio. Today it is Hazel, translated in Russian as Oreshnik, the latest medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile with multiple nuclear-capable warheads. This little number was recently tested at the Yuzhmash plant in Dnepropetrovsk (or ‘Dnepr’, as it is called by the Ukrainians). It is a lethal beast that no Western defence system can stop as it approaches at the astounding speed of Mach 10. All the world’s militaries began to scramble upon news of its first operational flight, but once it gets fitted with nuclear warheads – it will truly terrify. What would be a worthy target for such a devastating monster? Who should be first to be obliterated once WW3 starts? It seems like too much power to waste on Ukrainians. Who real...