Confessions of a dangerous extremist

Confessions of a dangerous extremist

WORDS rule the world. Depending on the context, yes or no can mean life or death, terrorism or self-defence war or peace.

In the eyes of the State I am an anti-vaxxer, despite, as an adult, having had almost every vaccine under the sun advised for travel in the developing world.

In the eyes of the State I am an anti-masker, despite the fact that if I worked in a factory handling toxic chemicals, I was a surgeon or firefighter, Covid-19 had an infection fatality rate in the otherwise healthy of 10 per cent, or I wished simply to protect myself from an icy wind, I would accept the importance of wearing a face covering.  

Consequently, in the eyes of the State I am not a citizen, I am a dangerous extremist, and appropriate punitive measures should be taken against me as befit the Humanitarian Intervention model of warfare, until I am either dead or a refugee within my own country.

To this day scarcely ever is a soul reported in the MSM as having succumbed primarily to comorbidities rather than exclusively to the biological weapon Covid-19: no with, no from, simply Covid. This is especially true of the spurious daily national death toll, which is unsatisfactorily just that: a non-specific toll for the impressionable masses to accept as gospel sans scrutiny, in an unforgivable oversimplification of wording engineered to institutionalise fear.

On September 1 the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly changed their definition of vaccination, from pre-2015’s ‘in order to prevent the disease’ and the subsequent ‘to produce immunity to a specific disease’, to the current ‘to produce protection from a specific disease’, so as to keep pace with Covid-19 inefficacy, lower public expectation accordingly, and back-pedal a weak medical get-out clause into their vaccine guidance to permit booster shot campaigns and the imposition of restrictions upon liberty for all those not up to date.   

In a similar vein, the senior editor of the British Medical Journal, Dr Peter Doshi, recently gave evidence on Covid-19 vaccines to an expert panel assembled in Washington DC in which he identified that Merriam-Webster had this year expanded its definition of vaccine to include mRNA products previously not considered suitable for inclusion: a worrying sign that the technology is here to stay regardless of the trail of destruction in its wake.

Merriam-Webster is an Encyclopaedia Britannica company. One wonders what other strategic modifications to terminology, phraseology and definitions have occurred in recent times to help blur historical fact, fuel multifarious propaganda wars and ultimately shape the wholly corrupted public opinions of the future.

In 1994 the British government conspired to block the UN’s use of the word genocide when describing the 100-day machete-slaughter by members of the Hutu ethnic majority of up to a million of the mostly Tutsi minority in Rwanda, thus robbing the international community of any official obligation to intervene; which of course they didn’t.

Overlay the same tragic scenario on to government Covid-19 response – replacing Rwanda with Britain, Hutu extremists with Secretaries of State and their brainwashed public majority, machetes with needles, and the UN with the minority conglomerate of maniacs executing the current war of words – and you are some way towards decoding what is turning out to be state-sponsored killing via pharmaceutical intervention.

Source: TCW


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