Beating The System

Thanks to sabateur / sabelmouse for recommending this article...

Beating The System

It is said that: “you can’t beat the system” but I think – bearing in mind that I was trained in systems analysis – that it is entirely possible to beat a system if you can just understand the system that needs to be beaten.

Let’s have a look at which systems we may wish to beat and why. This will come as no surprise to many of you. Today our freedoms are rapidly being taken away by systems that have been put in place supposedly to fight a virus but it is becoming increasingly apparent that these will become permanent.

We know that masks can’t stop a virus, yet the government forces us to wear them, probably just to demoralise us and as a means of control. The PCR tests used to test for the Covid virus was never meant for this purpose but it has been used to cause mass panic and create outbreaks at will by our politicians and bureaucrats. It has been proven that the covid vaccines don’t work and are dangerous. We have yet to discover the true reason that governments are so desperate to get these into our bodies.

Despite mass protests all around the world, governments stick staunchly to their narrative and it seems they have no intention of budging from it. You don’t have to be a genius to join the dots and realise that we’re being lied to by the people that are supposed to represent us but in reality don’t. What we are experiencing is not just a temporary fight against a not so dangerous virus but the implementation of a much wider and permanent agenda, an agenda that the government knows we certainly will not want.

Protests around the world have served to draw attention to our plight but as it becomes clear that these alone will not give us back our freedom; we have to ask just where do we go from here?

Many point to the US Second Amendment: “the right to bear arms,” thinking that we should be able to do the same. A Lovely idea in principle, there are many people that deserve to be shot but consider this:

Many years ago, a friend of mine who had served in British Special Forces as a weapons instructor, gave me a lesson in pistol shooting at close quarters. If we go along the violence route, we’d be up against people like this, the nearest I can find for illustrative purposes is this video from Phil Campion, an SAS veteran. Have a look at the above short video and tell me if you’d fancy getting into a gunfight with people like this? Talk about ‘lambs to the slaughter,’ perhaps it’s better not to go there.

Perhaps then we’d better think of other ways to undermine the systems that are being used to imprison us; politicians, it is becoming apparent, are just puppets who, when their usefulness ends, are soon replaced by others that are worse. The systems being used against us are technology based: here I can help.

All technological, information systems have their weaknesses. it’s just a matter of understanding them. Data stored and used in these systems is bound by strict referential and integrity rules. Break these and the system is compromised. These systems are used to support processes. Understand these and we can find the weak points.

Today we’re fighting globalisation and a potential ‘one world government’ We are therefore fighting ever more centralised systems of control and we have a window of opportunity to sabotage them. As the technology progresses it will be harder to sabotage these systems, for instance: QR codes act as a very efficient data constraint and are difficult to fool; as Artificial Intelligence progresses sabotage will become ever more difficult.

Ever since computing came along the quest has been to constantly improve the human computer interface, the Graphical User Interface was one revolution and since then the human, computer experience has become ever more immersive. Today Elon Musk talks about brain chips to interact with computer systems and perhaps the Covid vaccines contain chips to identify us, the truth will come out eventually.

The significance of the 5G network is that it enables the use of an unlimited amount of IP addresses, there will be no limit as to the number of devices that can be connected. Every time we pass a censor we will be identified, this system will be used to control us, and probably an army of potentially hostile robots and drones.

The 5G network is then the critical and vulnerable part of the system that we need to attack, far better to attack 5G towers and other devices than politicians. Now, there are a vast and ever increasing number of 5G towers, there are not enough soldiers and police to defend them and they can’t shoot back. A coordinated attack to start off followed by guerrilla tactics thereafter may be a good start but that is a strategy that needs to be decided.

These attacks on 5G have already started in a small way, the main reason for them is because people believe that 5G radiation is harmful to humans and this may be the case. However, I would suggest that the real significance of 5G is far more sinister.

5G is going to represent the bars of our globalist prison and we need to confront this now while there is still a window of opportunity. Many of us may prefer to keep burying their heads in the sand but unfortunately this fight has already started, we can’t avoid it if we want to keep our freedom and we must pick battles that we can win.

If we’re to be denied the pleasure of shooting our treasonous politicians, perhaps we can at least hang them later: Nuremberg springs to mind.


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