great moments in bad messaging

great moments in bad messaging

lesson number 2,741 in why the cure for bad people is free speech

the theme for this year’s WEF event in davos is “rebuilding trust.”

so this is simply too delicious not to pass on.


(and yes, i know it’s parody. but were you sure when you read it?)

i mean, imagine the marketing instincts it takes for the princes of fascism to gather at the vast and opulent buffet that is davos for meal upon glorious meal to be enjoyed by the elites we’re supposed to be trusting despite so many of them having spent the last 2 years not only blowing food prices into the stratosphere, generating food insecurity among billions from africa’s poor to even the middle classes in much of the world, and telling even the rich that they need to start eating bugs, pink goo pretending to be fake meat, and lab grown protein pancakes because if we don’t, it will cause climate catastrophe?

by 2030, a mere 8 years from now, the WEF tells us that meat is going to become a “special treat” for you, but, of course, not for these special folks.

small wonder they want to justify and impose limits to your speech. not only will it prop up their phony-baloney technocracy

it will also prevent you from noticing their obsessive and outlandish hypocrisy. no matter what they seek to make you eat, they will still be eating pheasants stuffed with peacock tongues served with pureed pandabear.

no matter what limits they place on your mobility and sacrifices they demand from your lives and lifestyles, these people will still make davos airfield look like the dubai gulfstream showroom.

because they not only do not care, they positively love flaunting that that may do this and you may not.

it is precisely your subjugation that ennobles them, that creates the aristocratic prerogatives and the frisson of privilege and freedom from consequence that thrills them to their urethrae.

bad cattitude
do modern elites have no sense of shame?
we all love to rail and rage at the appalling inversions of the parking lot of a climate conference looking like a dubai gulfstream showroom or the selfsame governors and prime ministers demanding ma…
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it’s their happy place.

and it’s not going to stop. it’s going to accelerate.

these are pathological people who have grown so far out of touch with base reality and perception that they literally cannot even tell how off message and off zeitgeist they are.

and it’s wonderful.

it’s glorious.

it is the all singing all dancing technicolor fail to end all fails.

Kids Dancing Fails 👶 😂 Funny Children Dancing Fails (Part 1) [Epic Life]  - YouTube

these are people so narcissistic with ideas and ideals so rancid that every time they gain control of anything, it goes so instantly pear shaped and awful that no one can miss it.

these are people so hilariously tone deaf that they gather the world’s most powerful people in a room you cannot get within 10 miles of without getting arrested by police with machine guns wearing WEF badges and call it “equality lounge” and, wait for it, even reserve the trademark.

i mean, how do you even parody these people?

but just as i was despairing of my malign creativity’s adequacy to this supra-herculean task, i remembered something:

i don’t have to.

they will do it themselves.

and this brings us back to the grand and timeless refrain:

the cure for bad speech is always more speech.

and the cure for stupid, tyrannical people is to hand them a soapbox, a megaphone, and to listen carefully to what they have to say while being sure to take good notes.

then make sure everyone else heard them too.

the rest takes care of itself.

and just like that, the malign creativity returned.

and all was well.


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