The Great Convergence II - The Hydra at War

Part 1 can be found here...

The Great Convergence II - The Hydra at War

The baby hydra started as an ideological animal, but it's growing into something far beyond that.

In Part I of this essay, Planet Pennywise Hatches the Hydra, we set the stage - a world turned infernal circus, its peoples' minds raped and desecrated by a demented demon clown - and watched as Something Awful was hatched in an unlikely corner of the internet, gestating in obscurity, feeding on the splinters inserted into the mass mind by generations of propaganda. Our baby monster, a cybernetic hydra composed of millions of young men fueled by rage, despair, and the joy and camaraderie of finally fighting back, burst out of its shell to launch a frontal assault on the shadow rulers whose tentacles choke the Earth. The youthful energy of its all-out attack pushed a meme President into office, but naivety and inexperience left it open to a crushing counter-assault by the demon clown's forces. We left our story with the hydra licking its wounds and regathering its strength, just as the shadow rulers launched a fresh offensive in their global war on free humanity....

With the arrival of SARS-CoV-2 on the scene, the powers that be redoubled their efforts to lock down discourse. The list of banned topics exploded, no longer just sex and race and immigration but now including epidemiology, virology, immunology, vaccinology. At the same time they locked down the physical world, forcing humanity to participate in bizarre compliance training rituals while saturating the airwaves with neurolinguistic propaganda developed by weaponized psychiatric nudge units. Keeping one's job no longer depended on silencing one's thoughts: in the wake of George Floyd, Patron Saint of Death by Heroic Doses of Fentanyl, active articulation of correct thoughts became mandatory. Soon the loyalty tests moved on to one's willingness to receive regular gene therapy injections.

Meanwhile, dirty tricks were deployed to retake control of the symbolic political high ground. In the imperial centre, an election was stolen outright, before everyone's eyes; those who cried foul were denounced as traitors to the Our Values Democracy, or insurgents, or even terrorists, turned against all that was good and true by the cult conspiracy theory of the Big Lie (that being that their lying eyes were more to be trusted than the Lying Press). The imperial periphery, too, saw champions of populist resistance mopped up. The Yellow Vests in France were crushed by armed police and scared inside by weaponized epidemiological statistics. In Italy, Matteo Salvini was removed from power by back room deals that formed a new coalition government; a new president, appointed by the banksters of Brussels, headed up a government with no popular support, nor any intention of seeking it. In Austria, a right-wing populist president was removed by a fabricated sex scandal involving, who else, a Russian.

Hundreds of millions became inmates under house arrest for months on end. They had very little else to do but go on the Internet. Many numbed themselves with Netflix, and succumbed to the psychological carpet bombing of the WEF's information warfare campaign. Their hypnosis grew rapidly deeper than it had ever been.

But many others started asking questions, because none of it made any goddamn sense, and all of it stank.

This is where it starts to get really interesting.

The Alt-Right was just the larval form of this beast the establishment is so desperate to kill. To their credit, the oligarchs understood this: that's why they panicked and overreacted as they did. They could see what it promised to grow into.

Recall how the Alt-Right gestated in the first place: a disparate gathering of communities formed around the frank study of forbidden topics, leveraging the dense many-to-many connectivity offered by the Internet, getting together to compare notes, exchange information, and engage in debates unfettered by the thought-terminating emotional programming that channels discourse towards the hegemonic narratives approved by the guardians of the societal mainstream. When the Alt-Right began, the forbidden topics were essentially: human biodiversity; the question of contemporary and historical Jewish political, economic, and cultural influence; female sexual psychology; the nature of positive masculinity; and the philosophical history of liberalism viewed from a critical rather than a celebratory perspective. The membership and focus of the Alt-Right reflected these interests.

Such topics were banned precisely because doing so was essential to the early stages of the oligarchy's project to conquer the world by stealth. Acknowledging biological differences between human groups was crucial to enabling the mass immigration that diluted solidarity within Western countries even while depressed wages stripped economic power from the middle class and inflated housing transferred it to the lords of finance. Denigrating masculinity was necessary to make men individually weak and collectively isolated - therefore unable to resist. Twisted ideas of female psychology, spread to men and women both, prevented the formation of strong familial bonds. Elevating the Jewish people to the status of a victim race sacralized by the Holy Cost provided the foundation for the moral disarmament of the European peoples, while simultaneously placing a substantial fraction of the ruling class beyond reproach. The assumptions of liberalism could not be called into question because it is precisely the philosophical precepts of the Enlightenment that provide the necessary conceptual acid within which to dissolve society into an atomized solution of powerless individuals at the mercy of the universal state, whilst diffusing responsibility and power through a 'democratic' oligarchy in which the deep state becomes untouchable because it is unknowable.

The Great Reset promised by the oligarchy is a totalitarian system on a global scale. It would require absolute and granular control over financial transactions, diet, movement, speech, education, health and medicine, sexual relations, migration, housing, employment, and personal defense. You will live in the pod, you will eat the bugs, you will consume a plant-based diet, you will not fly, you will not drive, you will use central bank digital currencies, you will participate in a social credit system, you will give up your firearms, you will celebrate Pride, you will champion Diversity, you will not have children, if you do have children they will be raised by the state, you will trade freedom of speech for freedom from offense and freedom from malinformation, you will take your vaccines, you will take your meds, you will wear the mask.

You will own nothing, and you will be happy.

You will be a good slave.

Every component of this totalizing program is based upon a deception. This is unavoidable: so horrific is the future they have planned that no sane human would accept it, unless they were so terrified that they perceived it as the least bad alternative. Even then, the proposed solutions to the supposed problems are either so unpalatable or so tenuous in their plausibility that they require deceptions of their own.

For example, the promotion of veganism is tied by the oligarchs to global warming climate change the climate crisis the Climate Emergency™. Anthropogenic climate change driven purely by greenhouse gas emissions is itself largely exaggerated if not entirely fabricated, justified using overly simplistic models that treat the Earth as an effectively closed system, and which neglect solar and cosmic influences on climate. Model performance is abysmal: while there's no doubt the climate is changing (which is as meaningful as saying 'time doesn't stand still' - the climate has never been stable), there's no evidence it's changing in the fashion predicted by global circulation models, indeed the models have consistently failed to match actual changes in global temperatures, and therefore there is no reason to believe the dire predictions of global temperatures rising so high that the icecaps melt. So much for the planetary justification for plant-based diets (along with all of the rest of the restrictions proposed to stop the weather from changing).

However, even if one accepts that carbon-driven climate change is a real and existential threat to the human species, the environmental justification for plant-based diets - that it is a more efficient use of available agricultural land from a calories-in/calories-out perspective, and that it avoids methane emissions from large cattle herds - falls flat upon close inspection. The land used for grazing herbivores is typically utterly unsuitable for grain agriculture; further, the ecology of grazing animals and grasslands actually improves the ability of the soil to sequester carbon. Hence the additional motivation provided for a plant-based transition: it isn't only planet-healthy, you see, it's human-healthy. It's good for the heart; easy on the arteries; keeps the devil cholesterol low; red meat is carcinogenic; you'll live longer and happier, slimmer and more beautiful, on a yummy high-carb diet of corn, soy, and legumes (with the occasional crunchy cockroach for protein).

As anyone who's ever looked at devoted vegans knows, this is absurd. Humans are obligate omnivores. We are apex predators. We require the dead flesh of animals to thrive, and we require it in large amounts.

Obviously, the real reason the oligarchs want humanity to abstain from the flesh of animals is that a vegetarian population will be smaller, sicker, weaker, more passive, and less intelligent. The widespread enervation arising from life-long malnutrition will make humans much easier to control. Tyrants have understood this since time immemorial. There's a reason the most rigidly stratified societies consigned the peasant masses to a diet of thin gruel and weak beer, whilst raising their own sons and daughters on beef, boar, duck, goat, chicken, lamb, and deer. The physical and intellectual differentiation produced by this difference in diet made every nobility a herrenvolk that was literally, biologically superior to the serfs over whom they ruled.

The oligarchs can't come right out and say this, of course. Hence the lies: that plant-based is healthier, that plant-based is better for the planet, and that the planet itself is in mortal danger.

That's just one example illustrating the nested, interlocking deceptions from which the Great Narrative justifying the Great Reset is built.

When lies are confronted with truth on an even footing, truth invariably prevails. Therefore for the Great Reset to succeed, the truths challenging the lies upon which it is based must be suppressed. Since the Great Reset is a totalistic reconstruction of human society, touching on every aspect of human experience, it necessarily follows that the lies be total.

That's a lot of truth that needs to be suppressed.

The last two years were a preview of what the oligarchs intend, but also a preview of that with which they must contend. In order for the medical tyranny to be put in place, dissenters had to be silenced. Large numbers of medical professionals and biological scientists found themselves in the same cultural hinterland as the racist nativist misogynists of the Alt-Right. Formerly widely accepted principles of vaccinology, immunology, epidemiology, virology, medical ethics, and pharmaceutical development, were overnight consigned to the same category of unacceptable opinions as differences in IQ and behaviour between the races and sexes, Jewish influence, nationalism, populism, "Trumpism", and so on. Previously respectable scientists with impeccably liberal politics suddenly found themselves lumped in with racists and derided as conspiracy theorists. This conflation wasn't even subtle: throughout this period, it has been made entirely explicit. Look at the words of Canada's Rainbow Prince, who derided anti-vaxxers as racist misogynists with unacceptable opinions, and insisted that the Freedom Convoy were Nazi fascist neo-Confederates who were funded by the Russians.

The result was that the network of outcast dissidents saw a huge influx of fresh recruits. Just as occurred in the formative period of the Alt-Right itself, disparate groups were suddenly in communication with one another, comparing notes, collaboratively attempting to determine the truth of things, and pulling at threads in the official narrative. The hydra pivoted seamlessly to adapt its talents to the new crisis, and to adopt and accommodate its new participants. Cross-fertilization was immediate. It's no accident that the meme culture of the anti-scamdemic movement is heavily influenced by the meme culture of the Alt-Right: wojacks, NPCs, clown world, -pill terminology (redpill, bluepill, blackpill, whitepill), and more, were immediately repurposed and widely adopted.

As happened before, the hydra almost effortlessly outmaneuvered the lumbering control architecture of the oligarchy. No sooner was a false study or misleading article published to justify masks, social distancing, lockdowns, or demonstrate the safety and efficacy of mRNA transfection technology, than the open source scientists of the hydra descended upon it, millions of hungry, angry minds tearing at the falsehoods, ripping off the loose bits, burrowing into the tender flesh beneath. It fought on uneven ground, true; hammered back by censorship, heads decapitated by bannings. Yet the lessons the hydra had learned during the days of the Alt-Right had been learned well. Its heads regrew, its necks slithered around obstacles, its fangs found their marks, its venom hissed in open wounds, and its roars found many ears, chilling the hearts of its enemies and warming the hearts of those in need of hope.

It feels like some months ago we passed an inflection point. Whereas previously the hydra had been always reacting to some fresh insult, its attention drawn to some new lie or some new outrageous mandate, it seems now that the regime media is on its back foot ... having to devote its time and attention to explaining why its viewers shouldn't listen to something they heard on the Internet ... and having to do so very carefully, lest they draw attention to precisely those facts and arguments that may awaken their viewers. The news cycle is now being set on the hydra's schedule; those within it, have learned to trust it, at any rate more than the alternative; while the velocity with which the hydra can disseminate information through its millions of self-directed limbs leaves its competitor scrambling to play catch-up.

The zombie armies of Planet Pennywise and the Nazgul who rule over them are still vaster and more numerous than the raiding bands of the hydra. For now. But the hydra is faster, nimbler, smarter.

And it continues to grow.

There are a lot of banned topics, now. Official culture requires orthodoxy on COVID-19, on vaccines, on climate, on diet, on race, on sex, on sexuality, on guns, on fucking pronouns. The list seems to extend daily, as indeed it must given the fragile structure of interlocking, mutually supporting lies and partial truths that the Great Narrative depends. As that list grows, so do the numbers of those cast out of the cathedral. Each party of outcasts find themselves in conversation with the hydra. To converse with the hydra is inevitably to join it, to add to it, to change it and be changed by it. The alethiological process of engagement with the hydra, in which the hive mind finds a new equilibrium of information distribution by seeking concordance between old and new data, invariably immolates the illusions of the new recruits (which are many), while the illusions the hydra itself still holds (which are increasingly few) are also burned away by the reaction.

What emerges as new groups join the hydra is a sort of mirror image of the oligarchy's hegemonic house of cards. The latter is a fragile crystallization of falsity, which must protect itself by systematically excluding reality. Truth pushed out from the dark crystal begins its own process of coalescence, but in a fundamentally organic rather than mechanical form. The Great Narrative must be carefully and judiciously crafted, each component selected so as to avoid obvious contradiction with other components that might destabilize the entire structure, which malfunctions the moment a component is damaged or removed. By contrast, the hydra is driven primarily by its desire to conform itself to truth, and it happily reconfigures its own internal structure to incorporate novel information, drawing connections with what it already knows, discarding that which no longer holds up. For the hydra, internal contradictions are a source of energy, fuelling that process of debate that draws it closer to its goal of finding truth.

Now, remember the manosphere's contribution to the Alt-Right synthesis. That group didn't start out as ideological, but as a purely practical, results-oriented community, focused on the basic question 'how to succeed as a man in a world that shits on men'. As time went on, its attention shifted from the best way to get and keep a girlfriend, to self-improvement - how to make money, how to lose weight, how to build muscle, how to fight, how to make stuff, how to bond effectively with other men, how to cooperate with other men to achieve a goal. The self-improvement ethos evolved into a core purpose of the right, blending seamlessly into the Dark Enlightenment maxim - to take power, become worthy.

There are a lot of other practical-minded, non-ideological groups that have formed around their own splinters in the mass mind. What's the best way to educate a child - are age-stratified one-to-many government classrooms really ideal? Or do homeschooling, podschooling, or unschooling provide better models? What's the best way to grow food - is it really genetically modified monocrops slathered with chemical inputs? Or is a permaculture model based on ecological principles ecologically, nutritionally, and morally superior? What's the best way to organize the financial system - is a debt-based fiat currency really the best we can do? Or should we be looking to sound money, crypto and precious metals? What's the optimal diet - is it really the USDA food pyramid? Or is it keto, paleo, or even carnivore? I'm sure you can think of plenty of your own examples.

Most of these groups would prefer to just be left alone to pursue their individual topics of interest, experimenting, researching, and conversing. On subjects outside of their interests their members remain agnostic, typically defaulting to the left-liberal assumptions of the hegemony. None of them, however, will have a place within the world of the Great Reset ... meaning that all of them, eventually, must be pushed towards the hydra, entering into conversation with it, being seduced by it and seducing it, being incorporated within it, adding to it and strengthening it. For the Great Reset demands that they cease their experiments, stop their questions, and obey, while the hydra wants nothing more than for them to continue doing what they're doing, that their projects may flower and all be the richer for it.

The inevitable consequence of this gathering of fragments of forbidden knowledge and suppressed techniques from every corner of the planet must be a global counterculture with an internally cohesive worldview. It will be just as comprehensive as the Great Narrative, as it will of necessity touch on every element of human experience. The difference is that it will have been formed via a self-organizing process, one with no particular end goal in mind, but driven entirely by open-ended questions rather than answers pre-determined by the self-serving aims of occulted powers: what do humans need to be healthy, to really thrive? What is the best way of organizing ourselves? What is the true nature of power, and its optimal distribution? What really works?

And above all, what is true?


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