The Rise and Coming Fall of the Pharma-Owned Authoritarian Left in the United States

The Rise and Coming Fall of the Pharma-Owned Authoritarian Left in the United States

Social movements that demand conformity and intolerance of freedom of speech, an independent press, and gut-based hatred of individual rights cannot sustain themselves due to strategic flaws.

The “Left” in America used to be represented as the umbrella party under which the disenfranchised could collect, welcome to protection from the storm of bigotry, hatred, and intolerance from (as liberals were fond of describing) racist, bible-thumping, uneducated conservatives. The Democratic Party was the party that represented labor against oppressive corporate greed.

If you are a Democrat and you have not taken a close, objective look at what’s happened to your party, let me give you a mirror:

  1. Prior to COVID-19, the Democratic Party sold out to Big Pharma. Top-down party politics demanded support for the rejection of exemptions for vaccine mandates. The money was easy, and the Party acted just like the nouveau riche - throwing their campaign money influence around while trampling individual rights. It was embarrassing then and is a huge stain on their party now.

  2. In 2020/2021, well-meaning liberals fell in line, exhibiting unquestioning, unquestioning conformity to authority, and abject intolerance of independent thought.

  3. In 2020/2021, people who identified as liberals clamored for censorship of dissenting views.

  4. In 2020/2021, people who identified as liberals adopted a norm to automatic backing of anything - or at least a refusal to challenge anything - coming from the LGBTQIA2S+ affiliation, regardless of legality or culturally respected lines on decency and morality.

  5. In 2020/2021, people who identified as liberals believed - and acted on their belief - that it was ok to treat individuals with bias, bigotry, and hatred merely for the group they chose to belong to.

The Social Shame Force Phenomenon

Starting with #MeToo, then with #BlackLivesMatter, and then #pronounsmatter, the power of groupthink, empowered by the new threat of being “canceled” for straying outside of narrowly proscribed lines became a social force. It’s easy to jump to conclusions based on what is being said about someone, what they allegedly did, or said. It fits the agenda to create power to destroy for the utility of the THREAT of destruction, and, in the case of the core of Critical Race Theory, shut out anyone who is not a minority in the conversation with rhetoric while you target middle-class values. That’s not my assessment, see (from 1998!) What’s Wrong with Critical Race Theory: Reopening the Case for Middle-Class Values (Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, Spring 1998, Vol 7: Iss. 3, Article 1”.

Sadly, each of these initiatives (and I’m being generous to call them that) had, at its core, a goal ethos that most Americans even now could get behind. The end of sexual harassment is a good thing. The celebration of successes by Blacks is a good thing, as long as it does not come at the cost of the celebration of success by people of other races: it should not be news that such activities are racist. Lowering educational standards to bring equality to grades between white and black students is racist. Not requiring anyone to show up to work on time, or at all, or to do their job based on the color of their skin is racism. Not reverse racism. Just racism.

(This policy shift has been denied by the school district; A copy of the “Transformative Education Professional Development & Grading” would help correct the representation in the media (USA Today’s so-called “Fact-Check” won’t do it given how much they got wrong about COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines).

Let’s just agree that problem substitution is not an acceptable solution.

As far as transexual adults, be who you are, fine, great, we’re happy for you, I’m willing to celebrate the peace in your heart over the end of your tortured journey (I’m not giving permission, I’m stating my position). But don’t try to convert all of America’s children into a mindset in which the state knows better by mob think-style “democracy” regarding the question of what’s best for children. Further, stop promoting that gender choice is a normal “phase” that all people must go through. It’s not. You’re interfering with the developmental journeys of children in ways that have consequences that you have no idea about.

And certainly don’t bring these issues into schools with men dressed as women reading books to school children, or performing striptease acts for students. That’s not appropriate regardless of gender identity, gender, or sexual preference of the performer.

The downfall of socially powered entities has, historically, been either due to a lack of planning for sustainable resource bases or due to overreach of some type that society at large found objectionable.

Neoliberalism has come forth with both of these flaws, and while some may believe the left has made “strides”, in my book when people do things that serve as good examples of what not to do unless you are trying to be authoritarian, the “strides” collapse silently as life moves on, and nothing really changes.

This is especially true when your issues are spun into the mainstream media to distract the public from bad news the government does not want the public, including you, to focus on for too long.

Neoliberalism Leaves Millions Behind

Allegedly, around 65% of Americans received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, and only 1/3 of Americans went on to accept the second booster. This means that 77% of Americans are non-compliant to CDC/Fauci/Moderna/Pfizer.

Among those who did NOT receive both doses of COVID-19 vaccines or take the booster are now millions of people, from all walks of life, all races, all sexual orientations, all gender identities, and all political stripes who will never accept another vaccine because they, or someone they know, has been killed or injured by a vaccine.

These are the same people against which the Neoliberals saw fit in their formal policies to codify bigotry in the workplace. The same people about whom the CDC recently sent out a message that it’s no longer ok to ridicule and abuse.

These people - the vaccine risk aware - fall second only to the indigenous American Indians in the degree of continuing contempt and disregard by society as unworthy. Watch, or re-watch, Woman Walks Ahead for a reminder of the depraved disregard for the value of the lives of the disempowered Hunkpape people (a Lokata Sioux tribe).

When I see Liberals backing restitution for Native Americans and working for social justice for the wholescale genocide of the original peoples of the Americas - with respect for their intact culture - and when I see Liberals fighting for the rights of personal autonomy against government-mandated injections, supporting their conservative brothers and sisters in their march against the oppression of enslavement of the human body for the aims of public health, I’ll know they have healed themselves. Right now, evidently, other than the occasional nod to the “the original stewards of the land we stole”… nothing.

My crystal ball tells me that sadly, it’s only a matter of time before the bulk of the Democratic party will rebel against their new Pharma masters. I mean the people, not the politicians. It won’t be too long before massive numbers of people in the Democratic party wake up to the reality of the massive increase in all-cause mortality; the deaths among elite athletes; myocarditis and pericarditis in the young; blood clotting disorders that can only be explained as vaccine injuries. For vaccine injury does not check your race or your voter registration card; it does not care if you identify as a male, female, non-binary, or both; it has no regard for the good you think you’ve done by donning useless masks to display your allegiance to a cause you thought was greater than yourself.

But you can relax. Because while mainstream media has portrayed the vaccine risk aware as primarily conservative, every person who has joined the community has been accepted, regardless of other characteristics about themselves and their lives.

If you’re a recovering Democrat, like me, find a Health Freedom group or Informed Consent group and join. Tell your story. Bring a friend.

Stay in your party - and work to make Pharma money blood money. Reverse campaign finance reform. Unless and until we loosen the grip of multinational corporations on American political discourse, we’ll be continuously turned against each other over issues that will finally appear to matter little when the full disease burden of COVID-19 mass vaccination comes to light.

I will leave you with this:

My late, 1960’s-style liberal Genetics professor had, hanging on his door, a bumper sticker “THINK”.

I shudder to imagine that in some Universities, the bumper sticker has long been replaced by “DON’T DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH”.


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