More Reflections On The Zhou Hit

More Reflections On The Zhou Hit

Yesterday I argued that the media buzz around the business of Zhou’s retention of classified docs had all the appearances of a Deep State hit. A few hours later Lisa Monaco sent what’s-his-name Garland out to announce a Special Counsel—with impeccable Deep State creds—would be turning the Biden Crime Family inside out. No, it wasn’t framed quite like that, but … you get the picture.

As I noted in a comment later, Tucker Carlson CERTAINLY got the picture, in a hilarious, LOL, and very perceptive monologue:

Sen. John Kennedy got the same picture, and expressed it in srikingly similar terms, without the humor. Raise your hand if you think these are the only two guys in DC who get it.

Now, Tucker’s bottom line is that this is the Dems taking Zhou out, because he’s been saying the unthinkable: He wants the oligarchy to put him in the White House for another four years. I’m not saying my take here is totally different, but …

The US is engaged in a world war, a global conflict with two nuclear powers: Russia and China. The US is trying to subjugate the EU for good and all. The ruling oligarchy, the Deep State, would not pull this kinda move at this juncture without having it already tightly coordinated and scripted—legally, politically, intel wise. They all should be on board. That’s my argument. In fact, it’s precisely because the American Empire finds itself in an existential conflict that’s going badly, so this move needs to be made. Zhou isn’t cutting it as the figurehead of the empire, and it will only get worse with time. The empire can’t function effectively without some semblance of a real Chief Executive to talk credibly to heads of foreign powers—especially nuclear armed ones. Turtle McConnell says Ukraine is America’s top priority. It may not rank up there as an issue with the voting public, but that’s not a concern for the oligarchy that guides the ship of empire. They can’t wait until 2024—they need to act now.

Regarding the coordination aspect, too few people keep the Gang of Eight in mind. 

The Gang of Eight is the Congressional interface with the National Security State, the oligarchy that rules the American Empire in place of the POTUS. Listen to John Kennedy again, asking what his “colleagues” knew and when. He’s got to be referring to the Gang of Eight in particular. Remember when Chuck Schumer said:

"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you."

As a member of the Gang of Eight, Schumer was speaking as a member of the Deep State. We’ve seen the rest of that story. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that at least one aspect of the whole Mar-a-Lago Raid and subsequent kerfuffle was to prepare the public for a Zhou takeout using the same, or similar, classified docs wheeze.

But, politically, it’s all terribly complicated. Taking Zhou out and promoting Kama Sutra is simply out of the frying pan into the fire kinda stuff. Remember, putting aside the aspect of Kama Sutra that Tucker highlighted, it’s fact that she’s famously incapable of retaining staff or managing her office—always has been. That can’t be the solution. On the other hand, a switcheroo—Kama Sutra goes to the Oval Office, “appoints” some plausible VP, then resigns in favor of that VP—is difficult, too. The VP doesn’t get appointed in that scenario—both houses of Congress take a vote. And why would the Republican House vote for an actually competent Dem to succeed Zhou? At a minimum it seems to me that even a party as stupid as the GOP would be pushing for the mother of all deals to go down that road. Still, something needs to be done. You’ve got to finish the job once you take it in hand, and appointing a SC at this juncture certainly looks like the job has been taken in hand.

To illustrate what a fraught moment in American history we’re at, I offer you this example:

Who thinks this is unconnected to the push to send main battle tanks—which is to say, German made Leopard 2 tanks—to Ukraine? Poland has a fair number of Leopard 2s it’s willing to send—for a price. But my understanding is that Germany retains control of resale or retransfer of weapons that it sells to other countries, just as the US does. Poland is very publicly demanding $1.5 trillion in WW2 reparations from Germany, and is equally publicly sending a high official to the US to enlist US support. Who thinks all this is happening on the spur of the moment, not previously coordinated? The US has already sabotaged key German infrastructure (Nordstream) and is crashing the German economy. Now the threat of support for Polish reparation demands is hanging over German heads. That’s some real pressure. America doesn’t do diplomacy, as Alex Mercouris will be happy to inform you, but we do do pressure.

Again, ask yourself: With this kind of high stakes poker going on in an ever more dangerous global environment, if you’re part of the American Empire’s ruling oligarchy do you really want to have a duo like Zhou and Kama Sutra in the White House? That’s a question that pretty much answers itself, right? With Russia looking increasingly likely to bring the Ukraine conflict to a successful conclusion and then move on to frying much bigger geopolitical fish in the Middle East, in Asia, and maybe elsewhere, too much is riding on competent leadership on the American side. The Empire needs a team that can credibly talk turkey with Putin. And Xi. And even with our European vassals. The stakes are enormous.

If I’m right, the pressure will be on to resolve this quickly. But, given the complications, all the previous planning could come undone. What’s that ancient Chinese curse? May you live in interesting times? Who ever thought the American Republic would come to this? But in reality it’s been a long time coming. The post WW2 world order is still sorting itself out.



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