Modernity, Not


Modernity, Not

Hollow and empty progressive conceits (a gonzo reprieve from gardening)

One of the most hollow and empty ideas of the religion of progress is the electric automobile. If we take progressives to be the primary adherents of the religion of progress, of sheer faith in progress, then we might assume, as progressives care so much about the poors, then they will want all the (minority) poors to have electric vehicles. Without going into a long study on the technological fallacy that is changing out the gas powered fleet for electric, when was the last time you heard a progressive talk about the fact that most poors buy old, used vehicles, but that an old, used electric vehicle is going to need a new $10,000+ battery, and what kind of fool is going to put a ten thousand dollar battery in a ten year old vehicle? Not a poor one, said no progressive ever.

But then this is all surely a moot point as flying cars must be just around the progressive arc of historical justice, yes?

Except, in the deep dark heart of progressives, they want you walking or riding a bicycle before you drive an EV, which probably means the horse and buggy will make a resurgence before too long (the horse will have a methane mask on it’s face and ass - Climate Change! Kaching!). Though if you live in the city, and everybody will whether you like it or not, you can probably rent an electric scooter, seven months of the year in the north country. The rest of the time you can walk around your frozen fifteen minute neighborhood and spend your universal basic income, though virtual reality and the drugs to facilitate it will be free, in which case you won’t know you are in pod lockdown 12 months of the year. Nature is best left to minor-attracted vaxx to the maxx magnates like Billio Gatae and Georgeo Soreass, anyway. Besides, trans breed themselves unto oblivion (which is the point, right?), so America will be Chinese Communist Party in a generation, so conjecture about the future of progress is best left to the children of Mao.

Whatever progress is, it doesn’t look like pollinator extinction, and being outside most of my life and not a little ecologically aware, climate change is categorically not the culprit, modernity and chemical “progress” is. I don’t know what identity group cares about pollinators, though it does seem very progressive to buy pollinator plant seed and pollinator houses, though that does nothing at all if there aren’t any pollinators in your area because of habitat loss and systemic toxicity, though you are far more likely to hear from progressives the moral duty of eating bugs, than you are about dicamba or neonicotinoids. Yeah, pollinator collapse is still a thing…

Progress clearly looks like the first ever indictment of a former president and Republican party front runner during a presidential election. That is, if you consider collusion between the Biden Administration, the Democratic Party, the DOJ, FBI, Homeland Security, mainstream media, Google, Facebook and Apple to be the arc of democratic justice. It is progressive evidently to send the message that if you question any of the above you are open to getting trumped. Nothing says democracy like 87,000 new IRS agents unleashed on anyone with a social media history critical of the Democratic Party/woke trans globalist. Modernity begins to look like the gradual collapse of western civilization, American decline into authoritarianism unto chaos.

Usurper, say hello to my little friend, Nemesis, whose favorite prey are the conceited, so very sure about their evolutionary superiority. There is no escaping the fate of hubris.

Anyway, my point is, dear reader, modernity is a passing phase. We must learn to transcend it. Nemesis is a friend to the humble self-aware. The idea of America is enduring, if we Americans can remember how to tell that story, if we remember how to live it.


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