Whitewashing the Truth: How They Twist Multiple Murder to Fit Their Narrative


Whitewashing the Truth: How They Twist Multiple Murder to Fit Their Narrative

They brainwash us, whitewash even the most gruesome murders, all to further their deranged narrative. In Biden-Harris Twilight Zone America, black is white, and white is bad.

Trygve E. Wighdal

A Soon-to-Be-Required Woke Statement of Inappropriateness

For a neutral reader, the following article may come across as too extreme, lacking a balanced perspective, and relying heavily on emotionally charged language and conspiracy-laden rhetoric. The absence of nuanced argumentation and a reliance on politically charged buzzwords like "DIE Woke" could alienate readers not already aligned with the author’s views. They already know—and condone—that black is white, and white is bad.

From Open Borders to Bloodshed

The regime allowed million of ‘immigrants’ enter our country illegally. Being an immigrant myself, this drives me mad—I had to wait a total of 17 months for my political asylum process to be thoroughly vetted, adjudicated, and granted. During that time, I wasn’t offered hotels, free phones, meals, or money. America used to be a serious country, one that respected processes, and it was a privilege—a hard-earned privilege, I might add—to be granted political protection from a serious, powerful, wealthy, lawful nation that respects individual rights. America was the world’s dream that has, in only several decades since I landed on its mythical shores, turned into America’s nightmare.

Alas, so many Americans still blissfully dream rose-colored dreams, unaware of the demonic powers unleashed upon us all. Attacks on reality arrive in relentless waves, an avalanche of masterfully orchestrated propaganda. The journalists of a bygone era—when their job was to hold power accountable—are gone. The media is completely captured by the regime and corrupted beyond words. Things have regressed since our caveman days. In this post-truth era, the minds of our population have been poisoned by all manner of propaganda.

In my Mind Control Series: COURAGE (6), I wrote that “a loss of courage leads to a loss of our humanity, and a loss of trust leads to a loss of democracy. Can the U.S. regain its courageous spirit and restore Americans' trust in themselves and their country?" I dread to admit that I'm not sure of the outcome anymore.

This new reality, for some, it has also become a bloody horror. One of these illegals, whom the regime treats like holy relics soon-to-be-votes, goes on merrily killing Americans, like Julio Cesar Pimentel-Soriano, an illegal immigrant from the Dominican Republic, who was charged with second-degree murder for the Aug. 31 deaths of Fraime Ubaldo, Marangely Moreno-Santiago, and two toddlers, Evangeline Ubaldo-Moreno, 4, and Sebastian Ubaldo-Moreno, only 2 years old. Names and numbers of a tragedy soon to be forgotten.

Officials didn’t describe what kind of wounds the family suffered, but Police Chief Scott Peters said during a press conference earlier this month that “It was a horrific scene. In almost 32 years of doing this job, I’ve never seen anything like it.

Julio Cesar Pimentel-Soriano

The quadruple murder case has been waived to a grand jury. Pimentel-Soriano is being held in Monroe County Jail without bail. The custody record lists this charming young black male as 'white.' We all know criminals and murderers can be white, black, yellow, brown, or even green or blue pink haired if they wished—humanity’s capacity for atrocity is unique among animals. But the regime seizes every opportunity to twist reality into their own distorted version, where slaughtered children are reduced to mere statistics, and alleged murderers are conveniently categorized as the 'appropriate' race—white—because, as we all know, only whites are guilty of everything.

This will now be a part of the statistics that will further shape the reality v.2, their narrative of lies, as they wish.

Black is indeed white. Biden is wise. Kamala is a democrat.

How does a mistake like that even happen?

Anti-white racism is so deeply entrenched in the DIE Woke criminal Democrat regime that life in America will soon become completely unrecognizable, and shortly after, impossible—we’d be living in a twisted reality far worse than the one they’ve been creating for us over the last decade. From the cruel psychological torture of the entire nation, from the Russian Hoax brainwashing propaganda psyop to murderous COVID lockdowns psyop, we've reached a point where we’ve normalized the insane. It’s so blatantly, barking mad that the Cabal and their sycophant media are not only normalizing assassination attempts on the former President, but somehow making him guilty.

If only he were black. And a woman. Only if he knelled in front of that junkie saint “their” America worshiped. Only if he were a trans maniac wishing to take away your children. If only he hadn’t said 'I want people to stop dying' and instead had shown us his horns and leathery wings, standing on hooves, drooling over dead Ukrainian and Russians men like Lindsay Olin Graham in Kiev, while blathering 'as long as it takes' and promising gazillion trillions to Ukraine to keep the war-industrial-spying-fucktard criminal complex satisfied, he’d be loved by the regime, and we’d be told to adore him just as much as we’re told to hate Putin, love Zelensky, despise Trump, and worship Kamala.

Julio Cesar Pimentel-Soriano is just the last example of this nefarious, criminal whitewashing. The media has a lot of power to shape the perception of crimes. The police is helping as much as they can.

”A Texas law aimed at preventing racial profiling requires peace officers determine and document the race of every driver to whom they issue a written warning, traffic citation or arrest during a traffic stop. The statute says officers must report: “the person’s race or ethnicity, as stated by the person or, if the person does not state the person’s race or ethnicity, as determined by the officer to the best of the officer’s ability.” White and Hispanic are just two categories listed in the law, which treats race and ethnicity the same for purposes of gathering the statistics.” (source)

What else can I say?

We've been allowing the Sovietization of America, the total perversion of truth in every facet, nook, and cranny of our society, swallowing hook, line, and sinker all the garbage they’ve been selling us, and as a result, we are slowly giving away our freedoms. Just yesterday, I wrote Normalizing the Insane®: Arresting People for Speech, Brought to You by MSNBC and Hillary Clinton; this is how fast they're speeding toward the proverbial cliff of no return.

Is it time to put the muzzles back on, or should we remember that America stands for rugged individual freedom that doesn’t bow to bullshitters?

Source: Struggles From The Dark


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