DC Declares War on America?


DC Declares War on America?

Giving themselves the right to kill Americans on American soil?

Evidently, the feds are expecting trouble in the aftermath of the election.

I’ve waited to post this until I was clear about it. Ron Paul says it is true. A friend of this blog, Army Major Grant Smith says it is true. The DoD says it right in their official paper work. But then It has been a week and I have not heard many people talking about it, anywhere. But no one is denying it either.

The DoD changed some language in their DoD Directive 5240.01.


Very quietly, the federal government, the deep state, the military/intelligence community, the technocracy, gave itself the right to kill Americans on American soil.

The federal government in any capacity is strictly forbidden by the Posse Comitatus Act, by common sense, and really by any notion of a Republic, using the military on American soil in a fighting capacity. The federal government is not allowed to kill Americans, by long standing, for obvious reasons.1 They didn’t ask we the American people for permission to kill us. They aren’t talking about it either, the DoD, government or the media. The government can now, apparently, evidently, assassinate Americans on American soil, DoD can work with local law enforcement to kill you, preemptively, for any “reasonably foreseeable/anticipated” reason, as long as DoD has decided you pose some kind threat.

THIS DAY IN HISTORY - President Wilson asks for declaration of war ...

Do you suppose there is a vast gulf between “we have given ourselves the right to kill you”, and DoD actually killing us? I said repeatedly on social media in 2016, Hillary would be the first president to drone bomb American citizens on American soil. I was wrong about the person and the timing, apparently?

And of course, who is the greatest threat to American democracy, according to the deep state, dems and adjacent media? Trump. Did the deep state just sort of-kind of give itself permission to kill Trump, as clearly Trump has been deemed in fifty billion different ways by the deep state and media a “reasonably foreseeable/reasonably anticipated” existential threat to public safety?

The Radical American Mind
The Spooks' New License To Kill
Last night I came upon this disturbing news highlighting the importance of Constitutional Gnosis…
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The specific language is here 


The DoD, technocracy, DC, media would say, it is just a formality, in case there is mounting chaos anywhere after the election. But if you know anything about government giving itself the right to force you to take experimental gene/DNA manipulation shots for a fake pandemic, then you know the government always follows through eventually, once they have given themselves the power to do whatever it is they want to do.

“Reasonably foreseeable/reasonably anticipated” is doing a hell of a lot of work in that passage. There is nothing in that DoDD 5210.56 mentioned, allowing anything at all about killing Americans. This translates in gov speak, whatever we decide is justified. Human beings are capable of justifying just about anything, particularly if they have no real ethical or moral foundation. The typical scum cream rising to the top of the DoD and Intelligence Community in this late stage empire and civilization, after the war of terror and the abject lack of accountability of any kind for anything, are spiritually, ethically and morally bankrupt, while bankrupting the country besides.

As if that was not disturbing enough, at the exact same time Ron Paul was sending out word about it, establishment media began to parrot the idea, with emotional excess, that Trump is planning to use the military to arrest his political enemies. We have seen this gambit about a thousand times before. We should be used to it by now.

  1. Make it “legal” for military/Intelligence to kill/assassinate Americans

  2. Distract America with threats that Trump would use military/intelligence to arrest Americans.

They don’t (generally) say he wants to use military/intelligence to kill Americans, because that would be a little too “on the nose.”

The thing that was even more disturbing was, few of the substack writers I follow seemed to notice, even the more mainstream right-sphere, the Prosobiec, Chernovich, Shapiro, Bongino crowd, FOX, didn’t seem to notice. In the Kamala interview at Fox, Bret Baier did not mention it, even as on cue Kamala raved, got very agitated, about Trump using the military to arrest Americans “for disagreeing with him.” Even InfoWars didn’t seem to notice.

I get that we are overwhelmed with information, with the election approaching, there is a quickening that is distracting in the extreme. But this, the feds giving themselves permission to kill us, seems like 1776, the British are Coming. Seems like a big deal, like a revolutionary kind of big deal. Especially as, if “Biden Admin” started assassinating Americans, this media is not going to report it straight, they will call it disinformation. Oh, it is clearly that his water heater blew his house to splinters, there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there, there is a lot of disinformation that is very distressing to federal employees that is making them feel unsafe.

We are all East Palestine, Lahaina, Appalachia now.

As for Kamala et al media hammering the “enemy within” language of Trump, which is like everything, misappropriation and dis-contexting what he actually said. I remind the reader, it is the official stance and policy and has been for years, the single greatest threat to “democracy” (other than Trump), the single greatest threat to “America”, the single greatest threat to the State, are domestic white boys in the flyover states.

Every “threat assessment” from DHS, the first threat, the main threat, the primultimate threat is “domestic extremism”, and by that they do not mean ANTIFA, BLM, Hamas etc left. Never mind the border has been wide open for four years for any cartel or terrorist to cross, DHS has no idea who they are, most of the really bad guys, who they did not come in contact with, literally millions with criminal intent. You will not find that in their official assessment of threats, illegal migrants DHS have been letting in by the tens of millions. They count the guys who might cross the border as a threat, but not the ones who already have. No threat at all to DHS, apparently. But this….

Posse Comitatus and Martial Law

Posse Comitatus Act specifically says no Federal military action in these states. This is the whole text of the Act.

“Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

National Guard can be deployed on order of the governor of that state, and the national guard of one state can be invited to operate in another state, by the governor of that state, but the president cannot order any military of any kind to operate anywhere in the states, except by an Act of Congress, or some explicitly Constitutional argument.

But then:

The Posse Comitatus Act has not changed much since that time. The law prohibits the use of the military in civilian matters but, over time, Congress has passed at least 26 exemptions to the act that allow the president to send troops into states.

The exemptions range from providing military personnel to protect national parks to helping states in carrying out state quarantine and health laws.

State quarantine and Health Laws. See Katherine Watt for background on all the ways they have used “health care” to carve out reasons to establish martial law and otherwise advance the power as well as the lack of accountability of the State, Pharma and the health care cartel.

Bailiwick News
Learning curve.
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They have 37trillion ways to declare martial law, and basically in their minds at least, the demonic consciousness minds of unelected technocrats, martial law suspends all law indefinitely and all accountability infernally eternally. As far as I know we are still under martial law because covid, by directive of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, because...there cannot be accountability, there will not be accountability. Everything Covid was pathological incentives, which the denizens of DC not only take full advantage of, they are ever scheming to expand their pathological incentives, power and accountability shield, achieve some utopia in which they have the power to do whatever they want whenever they want to whomever they want however they want for whatever reason they make up to fit any moment.

Who gets to declare war?

So. Is it just me or did the deep state/DC just declare war on the American people? Officially. I mean not Congress. WTF is Congress good for, they have not declared war in any of the last thirty wars. I mean, literally, Military/Intelligence just decided they can kill us. They can assassinate us. They aren’t talking about it, but they aren’t hiding it either. Is part of the psyop, you know we did this, we know you know we did this, look at the media not talking about it? The reason they would give, if anyone in the government or major media ever found the courage to ask, pardon me being retarded, is they might have to quell disorder in the event of a disputed election. But giving oneself the right to kill, absent any actual input from Congress or the people of this Republic, sounds like tyrants doing what tyrants do, justify killing their subjects. Except this is America. DC/Deep State/Military/Intelligence just declared war against America.

That’s how I see it. I am clearly not in the majority, I am not even on the proverbial radar of any majority. But this is important. They are using the cover of the election to give themselves the “right” to kill us, to kill their fellow Americans. They got away with Covid, they got away with printing 5+ trillion to float the big banks in 2019-2021 without hardly anyone even noticing, they got away with propping up an enfeebled president and then coup-ing him, they got away with propping up a different figurehead, they have gotten away with setting up the circumstances by which Trump has had two attempts on his life, they have got away with inflaming the possibility of WWIII, they are trying to steal an election.

All else fails they can kill us? Kind of seems like a pathological incentive to steal an election, to provoke a revolutionary response, to use their new Gov given permission for woke DoD to kill Americans? Kind of seems like the desperate grasp of a dying regime.

About those white boys in flyover country

There is a reason the public schools are not about this anymore (absolutely worth watching):

If that was something like an ideal in the 60’s, it seems the public schools are now to a great degree the opposite, about emasculating young men, shaming them, making them feel small, attempting to make them act more like women.

That is what the neoliberal gutting of America’s productive capacity was about, destroying working class men, not just white boys. Crack, opioids, meth, fentanyl, porn, pharmaceuticals, vaxx to the maxx, polluted food and water, pollution making the fucking frogs and fishes ghey. Feminism demonizing men while making many a woman hate men. The whole of liberal policy as long as I have been alive, economic and social, has been about destroying the basis of family and strong communities of families.

Still, despite trying to destroy us, you haven’t. You have allowed a multi-million man mercenary army to cross the border, but that has only awakened us. You encourage women to hate us? Fine, we have only begun to come together to discuss plans among men as men. It’s not just white boys you have pissed off. Wait till the mass of them find out you think you gave yourself permission to kill them. LOL.

On fighting evil

Straight up, DoD deciding DoD can kill Americans, on American soil, is evil. There are three ways to deal with evil:

  1. Fight it directly. But that always leads to greater conflict, much destruction and a lot of dead. That is the general way of history, in the macro at the nation state level, as in the micro level of relationships.

  2. Ignore it and get out of it’s way. Evil tends eventually to burns itself out. The evil the left has embraced, is leading them like lemmings to a proverbial cliff. Get out of the way or get dragged out to sea with them. Gets hard to ignore though, when evil gives itself open permission to kill you.

  3. Use evil as a thrust-block.2 This is something like Aikido, using the momentum of the aggressor against them. Blocking their momentum while using it to thrust forward a movement of the good, true and beautiful. I imagine that looks a lot like throwing their authoritarianism in their face, shining a light on it, mocking it, satirizing it, while articulating an alternative vision for something better than chaos and destruction, which is the only thing evil is ever capable of.


Too much the right and left in America are engaged in a fight that goes something like, 'Fuck you fascist. Fuck you, everything you do is fascist. Fuck you, I am saving democracy fascist. Fuck you fascist, you are destroying democracy. Fuck you fascist, you are destroying democracy. Oh yeah, fuck you I'll show you fascist.'

That seems like civil war. I’ve written quite a bit about that, in my review of that despicable film Civil War, but also my Rules for Revolution. Civil war or revolution, that is the end of America as global empire, that is the end of the conspicuous consumption of life in America, that is a lot of dead and reduced circumstances for everybody. That is what the globalists want, you know. Don’t give them that satisfaction.

I recommend not getting in a tit for tat with DoD. Mock them instead. Otherwise, prepare for the worst and work toward something better than open conflict. I highly recommend a food supply and the means to cook it, to get from the election to spring. You should do that anyway, we never should have gotten out of that habit. Make friends. Find allies.

Otherwise, do what I always recommend for you, expand your consciousness such that you meet whatever comes with aplomb, with grace, wisdom and discernment. Justice needs you to be strong and clear, because the immediate future is not that.


The prohibition of government killing Americans did not prevent Obama from drone bombing American citizens overseas, nor did it prevent the DoD working with big Pharma and the Health cartel from killing a million Americans (at least) with covid and protocols, under Health and Human Services martial law, with zero liability.


Using a Thrust-Block to deal with evil is discussed in Dion Fortune’s book The Cosmic Doctrine, and John Michael Greer’s companion book of commentary.

Source: Born on the Fourth of July


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