Face To Fasces


Face To Fasces

Evil-doers do evil

Radio Far Side

"Destiny’s powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it’s up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero, to right wrongs, and pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evil-doers everywhere. You don’t fight destiny. No sir! And you don’t eat crackers in the bed of your future, or you get all… scratchy. Hey, I’m narrating here!" — The Tick, 1994

As a freelance writer and editor, I work on a lot of high-level international documents. Though they are freely available on the interwebs, very few of us actual humans ever read them, and with good reason. If I didn’t get paid to do it, I would rather pull my own teeth with tweezers.

These reports, roadmaps, frameworks, and studies clearly lay out the machinery of global governance. They go into excruciating detail on the legal and regulatory foundations for how governments blend with NGOs, blend with financial institutions, blend with “stakeholders” (how I detest that term). Pretty soon, it’s one big clockwork of doom; a metronome of mediocrity; a calendar of calamity!

The Pendulum of Peril persistently pounding, propelling us toward the pit of perpetual pandemonium!

In some ways, I have a front-row seat for The End of the World as We Know It, and I feel fine…especially when the payment clears. It’s not that I want what’s coming, but I’m resigned to the complacency of humanity in its Mcteaguery.

For those who think they can vote their way out of it, sorry old chum, life ain’t a cabaret. That bulldozer of bondage coming at you isn’t going to stop on election night. That wheelbarrow of wishes has left the station, and we are Joseph Cotten thinking Alita Valli has escaped.

Nations? Borders? Governments? They’re alreayd gone. Everything else is just to keep you entertained while the final cogs of captivity are dropped into place.

Consider this passage from one of my recent projects:

"When the national government is perceived as too untrustworthy or high-risk by project lenders, the national government might be required to forego sovereign immunity and agree to binding international arbitration in a neutral jurisdiction in order for the project to secure financing."

Let’s take an example: Sistema de Interconexión Eléctrica de los Países de América Central (SIEPAC), which is associated with Mercado Eléctrico Regional (MER). The project is supported by various international organizations, such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and regional utilities, and is managed by Empresa Propietaria de la Red (EPR), the entity responsible for operating the SIEPAC transmission infrastructure.

I told you it was tedious.

So, note that none of the “entities” involved are governments. They are banks, NGOs and “regional authorities,” and they are all supranational. SIEPAC controls the flow of electricity to Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. This arrangement was sold to the local populations as enhancing energy security, efficiency, and reducing energy costs by actively trading surplus power on an open market.

Sounds like paradise, doesn’t it? Except for that bit about surrendering sovereignty and national control over energy supplies, of course. But hey, who’s quibbling when the lights are on?

These power trading blocks are everywhere — Europe (e.g. Nord Pool, EPEX, OMIE), Africa (e.g. SAPP, WAPP, CAPP), South America (e.g. SINEA, MEI, BAPT), North America (e.g. ERCOT, NERC, PJM), and Asia (e.g. APG, CASA-1000, EMIEA). Slowly but surely, a global grid under a single non-national “authority” is being created. The key word is “harmonizing”. The NGOs push through legislation that “harmonizes” with neighboring countries, so they can be linked together and synchronized.

It is all funded by global financial “entities” like World Bank, Asia Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, and so on. Just like when a bank holds the mortgage on your house, it can dictate the insurance you must have and what you can do to the property, and if you don’t pay they just yank it out from under you. Imagine being able to throw a switch and blank out an entire country for non-payment.

And this is just electricity.

The blockchain and trustless contracts are eliminating governments at all levels. You don’t need notaries or licenses. It’s all included and sits forever in the Great Ledger in the Cloud. You place an order and your digibux payment is put in a kind of escrow account. When both sides confirm the contract has been executed, the payment is released by whatever terms were programmed into it. If there’s a dispute, an AI “judge” reviews the case and passes judgement, which is final.

Want to have some fun? Go read ISO/IEC 7501-1 on machine-readable ID, or ISO/IEC 24760 on Identification Management, or how about ISO/IEC 19794-5 on Face Image Data. It’s already done, it’s just being phased in with children being born today, so as not to upset the crotchety geezers like me. If you are born today, your entire life record will follow you around like a bad smell until you are euthanized at the end of your productive life.

Have you heard your favorite candidate mention any of this? Has he/she/it discussed how to stop and unwind it? Have any of them warned of these coming changes? Has anyone offered you an “opt in-out”?

I didn’t think so.

Have you paid a carbon tax or climate change fee? They own the air. Have you had a free drink of water from a natural source that didn’t come through a pipe? They own the water. Do you grow your own vegetables and protein? They own the food. Have you paid taxes on your property? They own all of it. Were you coerced into taking vaccines? They own your body. Have you tried to buy or sell anything without some form of identity document? They own your identity.

Sorry folks, it’s a done deal. The only way out is tearing it all down and starting over, and I know you like lights, A/C and internet access, because you’re here reading these words without sweating profusely.

By the year 2050, when I’m 90 years old and still grousing right here every Wednesday and Sunday at 7am/7pm, it will all be operational. There will be no nations, only “regional authorities”. There will be no privacy, just “social credit scores” (mine will likely be zero). There will be no private property, just “productive life leases”. If humans are still making babies the old fashioned way, the spawn will be whisked away as soon as they are crawling to be “prepared” for their “careers”.

It’s not science fiction, and it’s coming at us at “the speed of science”.

How far off the grid do you think you can get, when the minute you light a fire in the winter, and the entire satellite constellation will be sending alarms to Snuffy the Bureaucrat? Don’t fancy being a hermit? Good luck trying to stay in contact with anything but line-of-sight lasers.

What an idyllic life! No responsibilities. Just push your assigned buttons and pull your assigned levers and the assigned times, and you’ll have everything you need and nothing you want. No greed or jealousy, because everyone (except the Overlords) will have exactly the same stuff you do.

I can hardly wait.


Your cultural homework of the day is the original Fahrenheit 451 (1966), based on the novel by Ray Bradbury, directed by the great François Truffaut, starringOskar Werner and Cyril Cusak (father of John and Joan). In an age of widespread censorship, this olden goldie speaks volumes.


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