There is no New World Order here, just a fantasy of one

a group of people walking down a street holding a yellow sign

The town criers, the Covidian doomsday shriekers, the perpetual alarmists, the upholders of a pandemicism as a new mode of living, the defenders of the stay-at-home class, the Uber Eats + Instacart lifestyle lobby, the wearers of masks in Zoom meetings—in a nutshell the self-proclaimed progressivists of the left-liberal variety—all of these have done massive damage to some of their own cherished values and principles. Some may see pandemicism as ushering in a new world order, but it’s amazing to see just how much of the fabric of that order has been shredded. The biggest own goal in history may yet prove to have been 3/11. Here is a brief tally of the damage done:

🔘 “my body, my choice”—gone. They surrendered. They conceded that millions of “unvaccinated” people had no such right. Rights for some but not others are not rights anymore: they are discretionary privileges and cannot be legally protected.

🔘 “white privilege”—no more. If millions of “unvaccinated” workers were threatened with being fired, and many were, despite the majority being classed as “white,” then where was their “white privilege”? If “white privilege” doesn’t count when things really matter, then it’s irrelevant. The concept has proven to be rubbish with this grand, final demonstration.

🔘 “no to genetically modified organisms!”—game over. Many of the people who protested against GMOs have now been turned into GMOs themselves, thanks to the mRNA shots and massive DNA contamination.

🔘 “no more oil!”—too late. Their rejection of petroleum was nullified by the act of taking shots that use petroleum derivatives. The oil industry is now inside their very own cells. Add this: Big Pharma’s climate pollution far exceeds that of the entire automobile industry.

🔘 “education is a right!”—if it ever was, it is no more, especially not when it comes to higher education. Suspending and/or expelling students based on their genetic status, meant education is conditional, and thus not a right.

🔘 “we have rights to work and housing”—finished. When they pauperized millions for refusing the shots, who then lost their jobs and their homes, this terminated those rights, for everyone.

🔘 “freedom of movement”—terminated. Even now, well after rejoicing that they can finally get together with friends and go to bars, restaurants, etc., it is all done on one basic premise: they can do so only because the government permits them to do so. What was a right before, is now a conditional privilege that can be revoked at any time. This is what happens when you do not fight for your freedoms.

🔘 “we have to protect our democracy”—laughable. Where was the “democracy” when the state engaged in censorship, issued illegal mandates, and stigmatized millions of citizens and turned them into pariahs?

🔘 “trust the science”—probably damaged beyond repair. They made it too clear, too many times, that politics drove “the science”. Reopening economies and lifting mask mandates were done when it was politically advantageous, leading Gov. DeSantis to exclaim that the only science that had changed on masks was the “political science”. Masking was always political science, and not even creditable. It was more theatre, performed by officials only when they thought they were being viewed by a public audience. Medical policy in the US, from the CDC itself, sometimes recycled propaganda from the American Federation of Teachers. What were alleged to be “scientific norms” were revealed to be plainly political. Restrictions were dropped as the US election season neared. In Quebec, there was absolutely zero science offered by the Legault government to support its imposition of curfews, or many of its other “measures”. Bad politics drove the bad medicine. The very act of announcing a “pandemic emergency” was a political act, issued by political organizations, that sought cover by medicalizing and biologizing their political calculus. It was not “science” that motivated North American socialists to advocate for “Zero Covid,” as if a disease with an animal reservoir could ever be eradicated; nor was it “science” we heard in declarations of a “war on Covid”. Science was replaced by scientism and the enforced doctrinal worship of technocracy.

🔘 “we stand for diversity and condemn hate speech”—this was not credible even before 3/11, but now it has truly been rubbished. Censorship in academia was and still is widespread. Diversity in terms of either ideology or lifestyle choices (i.e., no vaccine) has been treated as a threat, something to be curbed, smothered out of existence. Inciting hatred against the “unvaccinated” was normalized across all major regime media during 3/11.

🔘 “decolonize!”—now the stuff of comedy. Willing to see “white supremacy” in everything from mathematics to gardening, what made them stop from seeing Western dominance in modern, mainstream Big Pharma medicine? Who is calling to “decolonize the vaccine”? None of the professional decolonizers, that’s for sure. Instead they sat down, rolled up their sleeves like good little children, and accepted the primacy of the White Man’s Medicine. Shamans, indigenous knowledges, non-Western traditions: they could all get stuffed. The decolonizers went with Pfizer.

These are the ones to usher in a New World Order? With what values, beliefs, and principles do they hope to win/ensare supporters, when they have conceded so much?

Source: Disaster X


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