The Smell of Cheese

The Smell of Cheese

A brass tacks Good Citizen French election primer for the busy bee.

[Note: scroll to the final section “Candidates” for election information only]

The question becomes, have the French people finally had it with globalist interlopers who seek to further destroy France from within along with any pretenses of those hallowed national mottos of liberty, equality, and fraternity?

The Stench of Tyranny
For five years Emmanual Macron has performed the duties of President of the fifth republic of France as one would expect of a handpicked handmaiden from the WEF Young Global Leaders’ pigpen of technocrat meddler Klaus Schwab.

Macron is a former Rothschild banker who did not marry his nan but did marry his grade school teacher who looks like his nan, even after endless botox and cosmetic surgeries to try to make her look more like his auntie.

Last year there were rumors she was actually Jean-Michel Trogneaux, born in 1945, who transitioned via saucisson lopper surgery sometime after his divorce in 1987, before remarrying as a woman Brigitte, having a family, and then divorcing again to marry her star Rothschild pupil. French political gossip can be as delicious as a pain-au-chocolat-aux-amandes fresh out of the Boulanger’s oven at 6 am. Marat would be proud of this attempt, unfortunately, this bit of gossip is likely not true and Brigitte is suing those who first spread these rumors.

Yes, France as a republic is on its fifth iteration. If at first, you do not succeed in tempering the tempers of the temperamental, try, try, try, try, try again. (When will the U.S. take out the deep state MIC oligarch trash and start its 2nd?) If it’s any consolation to those republics still on their first try, the past few decades reveal France's fifth attempt to be more of a failure than the previous four.

Its national mottos borne of its bloody revolutionary past are now merely quaint slogans that appear on official government documents beneath the tri-colored logo of Marianne, the personification of liberty, equality, and fraternity. These no longer exist in our post-covid, post-Kalergi Plan, post-human desired technocrat-controlled world. Technocrats hate all three as much as they hate democracy and the people they seek to control.

France is a complicated country with a very complex past. It has assumed the role of Vice-Admiral of the supranational bureaucratic monstrosity that is the European Union vessel that will not stop until all 27 nations go all aboard and surrender to its undemocratic globalist aims. The French people have always been unsettled by their role in this, and it is one of the most anti-EU nations in the block, with almost two-thirds of the population holding some distrust of the union. That’s greater than Great Britain pre-Brexit and only beaten by the bloc’s favorite economic serfs in Greece.

Apart from Italy, Austria, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, no country on earth embraced Covid tyranny the past year more than France. The parliament rushed through a law last July that mandated vaccine passports, in the form of pre-pandemic planned QR code digital identity schemes (tied to the EU for future aims) for basic participation in society.

Police began enforcing this tyranny last summer on the terraces of cafes and brasseries across the country. It was a repulsive and sickening sight that led to 32 straight weekends of anti-mandate protests across the country that continue today. At one point, in the month of August alone, almost a quarter of the population had taken to the french streets as only the French do best, including millions who were fully “vaccinated”. The western media complex mostly ignored it, dutifully playing its part to herd as many arms toward toxic needles and digital passports as possible.

When they did report it they ignored the obvious tyranny of medical apartheid and a two-tier society and slandered all protestors as “Anti-Vaxxers”. Those who still believed in those founding words of the republic were apparently motivated solely by their hatred of the “marvel of modern medicine” and “following science”. This insidious attempt to connect people desiring basic human rights like bodily autonomy, liberty, free movement, and participation in society as the genesis of anti-science neanderthals should be the final nail for anyone across the west who still trusted the media two years ago. How can they ever be trusted again, on any topic? One could have been asking that same question after major events of the past thirty years and yet the real neanderthals of society still do. Back to the frog legs.

Despite the government embracing Covid tyranny and enforcing it at the street level, the elites of France weren’t done showing just how much they hate liberté. In January of this year, they triple-jabbed into law harsher vaccine passport regulations, even after the sniffles variant showed the way out, and did away with the negative test substitute. This further entrenching of digital tyranny is required because the ECB, the EU’s monetary slave master has plans to quickly switch to a central bank digital currency next year. Tying vaccine passports to participation in society will make it easier to do away with cash and push that fascist boot harder down upon the faces of the French people.

Nanny State

If you’ve noticed that Macron has been acting weird lately, that’s because all French politicians do when election season comes along. Lately, he’s been trying to play peacemaker with Putin and Zelensky, deescalating tensions between sides even though he knows it’s the rotten American deep state calling all the shots. He’s put on a nice performance deviating from his usual globalist puppetry to appeal to the populist left and right anti-war French voters.

For five years the Little Napoleon served his globalist masters at every turn, enhancing and expanding French bureaucracy (as if that were even possible) while sticking his rabid storm trooper police battalions on protestors with yellow vests every single weekend for two years before the Covid tyranny ever began. Their beef started when more fuel taxes were implemented and with the expansion of speed cameras on highways that can result in very hefty fines if motorists are caught going even a few kilometers over the limit.

The worst of all nanny state laws exist in France and the people, particularly in the rural areas who depend on fuel and transport for their existence finally blew a gasket. (If Americans only knew how much fuel in France costs, even before the latest inflation and engineered economic madness). The yellow vest which French law mandates that motorists wear when they get out of their car on the side of a road to change a tire, or for any reason, became the beau symbole of this national protest movement.

The western corporate press did their best to ignore these yellow vest protests too, but every Saturday across Paris and other major cities there was mayhem and destruction and the kind of police-protestor battles that used to make headlines in undemocratic third world hell holes in the throws of some coup or military junta. After a half-century of recolonization by millions of transplants from her former African colonies, la Republique is really not so far from that legitimate designation of an undemocratic third-world hell hole.

This is again one of the major issues at the heart of the upcoming Presidential election: Immigration and what does it mean to be French and live in what we call France the nation?

Terror On The Terraces

The clash of cultures with mostly Muslim immigrants from her former colonies has been decades in the making. One former head of the national police said that France was headed for a civil war. The clash of civilizations is proof that in the western world, with a nation that prides itself on tradition, culture, history, language, and certain values, multi-culturalism is very much not a strength. Academic studies that are never mentioned, including one Danish study show this to be true as well. One isn’t even allowed to broach this topic without being slandered with that soon-to-be meaningless word “Racist!”.

Good Citizens who have been around here long enough know I don’t like to inject myself too much into these posts, and hardly write in the first person, but I will make an exception here.

It happens that my mother was born in France shortly after the war, and through a French law Jus Sanguis, I was able to become a French citizen in 2008 through the French embassy in Prague where I was living at the time. In fact, as I recall I begged her to help me get all her documents in order as early as 2004 having been sickened by the U.S. invasion of Iraq, WMD lies, anthrax attacks by the rotten state against its own people, and all the rabbit holes that began emerging about 9/11. This was before Libya, Syria, more Iraq, Afghanistan, more Syria, a rigged election in 2020, Covid tyranny, and now the deep state rats trying to start World War Three via Ukraine. Why work, live and pay taxes to this destructive beast of an empire if there’s any possible alternative? I chose an alternative that I owe gratitude to my grandmother for. She snuck across the border from taking refuge in post-war Switzerland to make sure my mother was born on French soil. It was extremely important to her. (She and my grandfather’s wartime story is worthy of a few posts in the future.)

After some years in the Czech Republic and Poland, I finally moved to France in 2015, arriving in Paris three days before the Charlie Hebdo massacre. The morning prior I was jogging down the Boulevard Richard Lenoir where that police officer was assassinated at near point-blank range by one of the Kouachi brothers. I almost repeated the jog that same morning at that same time but talked myself into a cafe au lait and croissant downstairs on the block where I was staying. I watched their black Opel race up the canal st. martin at 100 plus kilometers an hour just after the attack. I remember it distinctly and later knew it was them when their abandoned car was found in another arrondissement in that direction.

At that cafe called Le Carillion, I would spend Friday nights having a couple of beers during my first month in the country, which nine months later would have 11 dead bodies on its terrace from an ISIS attack. Those same attacks included suicide bombers at the football stadium and the Bataclan theater massacre. Bienvenue a France!

Islamic State Claims Paris Attacks That Killed 127
The Good Citizen’s Friday night watering hole in January/February 2015. Pictured, November 2015 ISIS attacks.

After moving to a smaller city my third month there I witnessed for another three years a France that was in the final death throws of multi-cultural tension and decay. Political correctness had captured most of the left-wing politicians who preferred performative virtue signaling to the inhospitable fifth column reverse colonizing the country in a cynical effort to capture their votes, while the establishment parties balanced between doing the same and occasionally signaling to the center-right and right-wing voters who have for two decades been seeking to remedy what French thinker Renaud Camus calls La Grand Replacement. (See the short documentary of him speaking in English at the end).

This is supposedly a “white supremacist” conspiracy theory according to the Macron-supporting globalist establishment media and academic hacks who seek to destroy most nations of the west from within via mass unadulterated third world migration. Americans observant of what’s been really happening on their own border for fifty years with the blessing of both putrid parties, probably know from good sense this is no conspiracy theory in France either.

When the good people of France aren’t busy getting it from reverse colonization, covid tyranny, or ISIS terror they’re getting it good and hard from their politicians in the form of more state bureacracy, more taxes, and less pretenses that they care about them at all.

RED BOX Left to Right are the only contenders: Marine Le Pen, Klaus Schwab’s Stool Pigeon, Jean-Luc Melenchon, Eric Zemmour.

The question becomes, have the French people finally had it with globalist interlopers who seek to further destroy France from within along with any pretenses of those hallowed national mottos liberty, equality and fraternity?

First things. France has a two-stage Presidential election process. This Sunday is Round One with the twelve candidates above. France has way too many political parties to cover and most are just slight variations of each other they end up hurting their nearest allies more often than anything else. For example, there are endless “eco” and “green” parties and labor and unionist parties that squabble over silly minutiae rather than make any attempts at collaboration. They aren’t very good at political scheming or compromise on the temperamental and fanatical far left. So instead of parties let’s stick to blocs of voters.

There are five major blocs of French voters:

  1. The populist left and eco left (Melenchon + Jadot)

  2. The populist right and anti-immigration/Islam right (Le Pen + Zemmour)

  3. The filthy rotten WEF globalist center that controls the last two groups (En Marche! and Macron)

  4. The establishment center-left (Anne Hidalgo)

  5. The establishment center-right (Valerie Pecresse)

Since populism is still rising in the wake of pandemic and now economic tyranny we need only concern ourselves with the top two blocs.

The far-left candidate with any hope is Jean-Luc Melenchon. He’s a former Trotskyite and political mainstay representing the populist left of anti-globalization. People in the anglosphere compare him to Bernie Sanders but that’s very much an insult. He’s far more intelligent and doesn’t just have five silly lines he repeats like a wind-up doll with a slobbering Brooklyn accent while pointing disjointed purple engorged fingers into the air. “Trump is an Islamophobe, homophobe, racist, transphobe, misogynist, who doesn’t want to tax millionaires and billionaires forever and ever until all our problems are solved. Let me be clear. I do!” Melenchon is a fine horse for this race if leftist populists can be such a thing, but he won’t win. His voters, however, might play king or queen makers in the second round, especially if they don’t pinch their noses and vote Macron. The same way Trump won when Sanders’ voters refused to pinch their noses and vote for Hillary.

The far-right candidate with any hope is the intellectual and author Eric Zemmour who was roaring to near equal footing with Macron last fall but has since collapsed double digits in the polls. He speaks openly about the great replacement, decades of harmful immigration of tens of millions from unassimilable cultures, and the problem of Islam in western nations that value free speech, liberty, and secularism. He’s not shy in telling it like it is. Of course, the western press slanders him with the usual labels that don’t mean anything anymore and the French people clearly aren’t feeding on anymore.

The nearer far-right candidate is Marine Le Pen. She is Eric Zemmour without the hammer. She’s taken a lighter approach this election, haven been the runner-up in 2017 to Macron as Zemmour. Her strategy to appear less extreme by allowing Zemmour to take the harsher more far-right position is working brilliantly. She’s hitting her stride and all the right notes including economic crises, energy prices, inflation, lockdowns, and even leaving NATO. She has lightened her stance on leaving the EU and the Euro market, a prudent political move.

She’s always had a target on her back by the French state with kangaroo investigations implicating her party in taking a loan from a Russian bank years ago (because woke French banks refused), to trials and fines for “hate speech” or “inciting racial hatred”. This is how they shut up politicians who speak the truth in France. They’ve always slandered her as a “fascist”, using their corporate media partners to do the dirty work. Most of what they say about her is completely false and the French people generally aren’t buying it. Thirty years ago she could have run on the (French) Republican Party ticket.

Curiously her own niece Marion Marachelle Le Pen, a former EU MP did not endorse her this election and went with Zemmour. Marine Le Pen openly said she was hurt by this, softening her image, and making her appear more human and sympathetic, but it may have been a brilliant collusion tactic by both to win over more center-right voters to her corner. Since then she’s raced past Zemmour and is in fine position coming down the final stretch.

She presently has the neoliberal globalist cabal shitting themselves. After the results in Hungary and Serbia last weekend, this upcoming French election is a monumental opportunity for voters of a major European power to send a massive middle finger to this anti-democratic authoritarian group that seeks to engineer more tyranny and chaos. She may not stop them, but she could be a very, very large thorn in their side.

The EU punished Hungary this week for voting for the wrong candidate, again. They’re threatening to withhold billions of euros to punish Hungarians who want nothing to do with Brussels LGBTQWERTY leftist grooming or pro-war agenda. They detest democracy in Brussels.

Can they even attempt that with France and Le Pen if she wins? France has way too much power in the bloc and Le Pen represents an existential crisis for the union. She could very well call for a Frexit referendum and put the whole bloc on the brink. If she even threatened to hold a referendum she could shut Brussels up instantly.

The first round Sunday should be a repeat result of 2017 with Macron and Le Pen moving on to the run-off in two weeks. Look for the media to have a consistent smear campaign prepared for her with relentless hit pieces trying to move the French electorate towards Schwab’s butt boy.

The polling in the recent Hungarian election was so far off the mark, they have a tendency to skew in favor of the establishment favorite. In Hungary, that establishment mess was a six-party orgy of Soros-funded rats attempting an electoral coup of Orban. They didn’t even come close.

If the skewed polling is true in France then the latest poll is excellent news for Marine Le Pen and if she can hold it with solid debate performances she would be the first Madam President of France’s fifth republic.

Atlas Politico run-off (2nd Round) poll

Le Pen: 50.5% Macron: 49.5%


I’ll have another piece just before the 2nd round runoff in two weeks to reevaluate the situation and see if my media predictions about the Le Pen smear campaign were worse than I thought.

PostscriptI tried to vote in 2017 against Macron, having seen his astroturfed globalist-funded circus in the town I lived but even four weeks prior to the first round was not enough time to register! Lots of paperwork and IDs were required for the process, so it wasn’t completed in time. Remember that when Democrats in the states tell you other countries “make it easy” for their citizens to vote. The fact is, nobody makes it easier than the CIA. Even the dead can vote by their hands.


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